Chapter 20

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Eventually a week passed and today Y/N was being discharged. Jin had tried so many times to talk to her but she ignored him. At one point she even got one of the nurses to kick him out.

As for Soomin Jin had not seen her since the confrontation. Her clothes at the house were also gone which made him wonder we're she had gone.

Y/N chose not to press charges against her because in the end it was kind of hers and Jin's fault that all of this was going on.

As they walked to the car Jin grabbed Y/N's wrist gently stopping them from walking any further.

"I'm sorry." Jin said but Y/N just looked at him blankly.

When seeing this expression on her face he couldn't help but to gulp loudly. He really wanted her to forgive him.

"Y/N please say something... anything. I'm really sorry for not believing you. Truth is I did notice a change in Soomin but I did not think it was anything as major as this. I just wanted to see her as a good person... as the woman that I had once been in love with. I shouldn't have pushed your concerns aside and for that I am sorry. I'm sorry for not protecting you and the baby... I'm also very sorry for even daring to threaten you when all you wanted to do was protect the baby." He apologized and a few tears left his eyes but from the look on her face it seemed like his speech did not move her.

But the truth is she was actually moved by it but decided not to show it. She was happy that he finally realized his mistake but that did not mean thst she was going to forgive him. His bad decisions put the baby's life in danger. She wouldn't have minded if it was only her life in danger but the baby... hell no.

She might have not wanted the baby in the beginning but now she did and she would be damned if anything happened to her baby girl.

"Take me home." She said coldly making him sigh.

His heart felt as if it was breaking because of her cold attitude but he couldn't blame her because all of this was his fault. If he had only listened to her then they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.


As they walked into the house Y/N couldn't help but to wonder why it was so quiet. She also hadn't seen Soomin since the incident and she wondered why. Not that she was complaining though.

"If you are looking for Soomin, it's of no use. She is gone." Jin answered making her look at him in shock before it turned into a questioning look.

He couldn't help but to sigh again at her lack of words. He just wanted to hear a full sentence coming out of her pretty mouth.

"That day after what happened and after I took you to the hospital I realized that the way she had been behaving these past few months was all fake. I immediately broke up with her and told her that you were actually not a surrogate." He admitted making her gape at him.

"What?... You told her?" Y/N questioned in shock not even realizing that she had actually spoken which made him smile a little bit.

"I did. It would have been unfair if I kept her in the dark about all of this after the break up. She shouldn't have had to believe all her life that the baby was hers." He responded before sighing.

His life was very different form the way he had imagined it would be. He could not believe that he could actually lie about something so serious.

Y/N just wordlessly nodded before walking out of the living room toward her room. Jin just watched her longingly hoping that she would turn around and tell him that she forgave him but he knew that was the last thing that would ever happen at this moment.

A couple more days passed since Y/N got discharged from the hospital and she was still ignoring Jin. At first she did it because she was very upset with him but now it was just for entertainment.

She found it amusing how he would always huff and pout angrily when she did not respond when he talked to her. The funny thing was that he knew that she was not going to respond but still tried anyway.

"Y/N... please I am begging you... please say something. I am going crazy here. I need you to just say something, even if it's one word." He begged making her almost giggle at the desperate look on his face.

She still didn't say anything as she went to walk around but her steps quickly halted as he grabbed her wrist and pinned her against a near by wall. She couldn't help but to loudly gulp as he leaned his head down toward hers to meet her gaze.

"I am desperate here Y/N. I just need one word from you baby, please." He asked in a sexy voice which made her legs shake beneath her.

This was not fair of him. He knew what effect her had on her but still decided to play this game. She opened her mouth to say something but it soon closed again as she had no words to say.

Jin seeing this couldn't hep but to frown slightly before he decided to be brave. Without putting much thought into his next decision, he just went in for it. He crashed his lips into hers shocking her to the core.

Her eyes widened a bit before soon closing as his lips started to move against hers. Not long afterward she began to gradually kiss back.

After about a full minute of kissing Jin pulled back allowing both of them to catch their breaths.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." He whispered before give her lips one more peck.

"Y/N please give me a chance. That's all I want, a chance to be your boyfriend... I know it might be too early for this but I have fallen madly in love with you. You have no idea how sorry I am for not listening to you and not believing you. I am sorry for not protecting you and our baby... but please give me a chance." He begged and gave he a look that almost melted her heart.

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