Chapter 11

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"Are you ready?" I asked Soomin as we walked through the door of the cafe.

"Yeah..." she simply answered but I could tell that she was nervous.

Today Soomin would meet Y/N for the first time and I all I could do was hope that nothing went wrong. I was a bit nervous as well but tried to keep a positive mind set.

"Don't worry everthing will be alright. Y/N is a really nice person." I tried to assure her but myself as well.

When we got inside I looked around until I found the person I was looking for. Y/N was sitting at a corner table and her back was facing us.

I began walking toward her and I felt Soomin squeeze my hand as she saw the direction we were walking to. I could only assume that she had seen who Y/N was.

"Y/N." I called her as we finally reached her table.

She turned around and when she saw Soomin and I she quickly stood up to greet us.

"Hello Jin and it's nice to finally meet you me Soomin." She bowed before standing up straight.

"It's nice to see you again Y/N." I smiled at her before turning to Soomin.

I could see thst her mind was working and she was still deciding whether she like Y/N or not. I gave her side a little nudge since she was taking to long to respond.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you too Y/N. I just never expected you to look so young." She said as she woke up from her trance.

Y/N just awkwardly chuckled not knowing what to say.

"Uh thank you... please sit down." She finally said after a few seconds.

Soomin and I then walked around the table and sat across from Y/N. The atmosphere turned a bit awkward until I decided that it was time to break it.

"So how have you been Y/N?" I asked her with a smile.

"I've been good, just a little nervous abo-" Y/N began but was rudely cut off by Soomin.

"So how old are you Y/N? You seem to be too young to be taking such life changing decisions." Soomin asked and I could not help but to nudge her a bit.

Y/N awkwardly smiled before her eyes met mine for a split second.

"I am actually twenty-five and I have thought this decisionthrough." She responded calmly and still kept a sweet smile on her face.

"Ah I see, still too young in my books. Have you consulted your parents about such a decision? Do they agree with you choosing to this?" Soomin asked again and this time I awkwardly cleared my throat.

I could see a bit of anger in Y/N's eyes but she pushed it down before responding.

"Not trying to be rude but I am an adult and I don't need my parents to decide anything for me. I wanted to do this so I will go through with it." She said calmly without taking her eyes off her.

"Don't you think as a good daughter you should talk this through with your parents?" Soomin asked and I could see that Y/N was close to losing it.

"Soomin that's enou-" I tried to say but Y/N cut me off.

"I don't know what you are trying to imply but I am a good daughter and I know that my parents would support me with this decision. Just stop bringing my parents into this, it's not like they are the ones who are going to be pregnant with your child." Y/N said rather harshly than I think she was intending to.

This seemed to shut Soomin up a bit.

"I'm really sorry about her Y/N. Soomin just wants to make sure that you are perfect to carry our child." I said to her but I could see tgat she was still really angry.

"There is a difference between trying to see if I am a good surrogate and offending me. If you want this to work I will ask that you do not bring my parents up and treate me like an adult who can make her own decisions." She said.

"Yes." I responded before I nudged Soomin for the third time today.

She simply rolled her eyes before sighing.

"I am sorry if I offended you. It was not my intention to do so." She apologized.

A silence soon followed and Thats when we decided that it was time to order something to eat. When the food arrived I saw Y/N gag a bit and then look away.

"If you will please excuse me." She said and without wasting time rushed to the bathroom.

Worry took over me and I wanted to check on her.

"I wonder what that was about. Jin I really don't see her as fit surrogate mother. I think she is still too young to be doing such things." Soomin complained as soon as Y/N left and I began to feel a bit annoyed.

"Are you serious Soomin. We are only two years older than her. You just don't like her because you decided long before you met her not to. If you could only get past thst dislike you would see how amazing of a person Y/N. You know when she heard that we were looking for a surrogate she immediately volunteered. Just please drop the subject already." I replied before I stood up and excused myself to the hallway.

When I got there I went into the ladies room to check on Y/N. Luckily there were no other ladies inside.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I asked as I saw her walk out of one of the stalls.

"Yeah, I'm fine just got a little sick because of the food is all." She responded before washing her hands and mouth.

"I don't think that your girlfriend likes me very much. Are you sure she will agree to this?" She asked as she dried her hands before turning to me.

"I will convince her. You don't have to worry about that." I answered and smiled a bit at her.

"Anywho, why are you in the ladies restroom?" She asked.

"I wanted to check up on you since you looked sick when you left the table." I replied which made her smile a bit.

"Um well thanks... we should get back to your girlfriend before she starts suspecting things. I will go first saw that she does not see us come out together." She said before leaving the restroom.

I waited two minutes before walking out as well.

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