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A groan left her lips as she slowly opened her eyes but soon closed them again because of the burning brightness.

She soon opened them again before repeatedly blinking until they finally adjusted to the light. Her eyes scanned around the room in confusion until she realized that she was in a hospital room.

A faint smile casted on her lips as she realised she survived but it quickly dropped when she noticed that there was nobody else in the room.

Where were Jin and Byeol?

What if she was actually dead?

Tears began to pool in her eyes until the door opened revealing the man she had been longing for. When he noticed her eyes on him he let out a loud gasp before running back out of the room.

She frowned even more at the action but it did last long as he hurriedly came back inside the room with a huge smile on his face. He rushed to her bed and leaned over to kiss her forehead which made her close her eyes to fully enjoy the feeling.

Though their moment was soon cut short as talked walked in and made Jin move away from Y/N to give her a check up.

The check up didn't last very long which pleased the two very much.

"You have removed very well ms Y/N and I am please to say that at this rate you will be discharged very soon. Now if you will please excuse me." He said before walking out of the room.

Her eyes immediately shifted to Jin who awkwardly near the window staring at her.

"Hi." He greeted awkwardly making her giggle a bit.

"Is that all I get after accepting to be your girlfriend and being asleep for a whole month?" She asked making him break out of whatever had possessed him.

His tears began to fall as he rushed to her and captured her lips in his. It didn't last very long as he began crying which made he cry as well.

"I-I'm so glad that you are okay." He cried still holding her tightly.

"Me too." She whispered back.

It took a couple of minutes but they finally calmed down. They sat in a comfortable silence enjoying each other's company until Y/N broke it.

"What happened to Soomin?" She asked making Jin roll his eyes.

"Way to ruin the moment... She is in jail where she belongs. Not long after you passed out the police arrived." He explained and she nodded in understanding.

She took a few minutes to process everything before speaking again.

"Okay onto more important matters. Where is my baby?" She asked and a huge grin formed on Jin's face at rhe thought of his baby girl.

"She is at home with my mother. Would you like to see her?" He asked making her nod enthusiastically.


Not even thirty minutes passed before Jin walked back into the room. This time he was holding their most precious gem who what fallen asleep during the car ride.

Tears filled Y/N's eyes as he walked over to her and handed her their precious child. Words could not describe what Y/N felt as she held her baby for the first time. She was the most beautiful baby she had ever seen.

"She is so gorgeous." She whispered and kissed the little baby's nose.

"Of course she is. I mean look at her father." Jin said making Y/N look up and playfully glare at him.

"Way to ruin the moment Jin." She said making him laugh.

"I love you." He responded and kissed lips which made her sigh contently.

"And I love you." She said against his lips before they parted from the kiss to admire their little one who had just opened her eyes.

This was truly the happiest moment of their lives.

It took me two days to write the last chapters but I finally did it. I'm so glad I finished this book before Jin was officially off to his Military Service.

And thank you all for the support that this book has recieved. I really appreciate it.


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