Chapter 6

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"Soomin please stop. I am not in the mood." I said and pushed her away but she kept on clinging onto me.

"Jin please we haven't done it in so long." She continued pestering me but I did not give in.

"No Soomin. I am tired and just want to go to bed." I continued to push her away but it seemed that she just wouldn't get the message.

"A quicky please. I need you." She whined which caused me to lose my last bit of patience.


My heart broke into a million pieces at the look on her face. Tears were already pouring out of her eyes and all  I could see was the hurt and disappointment covering her face.

"Soomin I-" I tried to justify myself but even I couldn't forgive myself for saying such a horrible thing to her.

"Pl...please don't." She wiped off her tears and began walking away.

I hung my head low as I started feeling self hatred for what I had just said.


A couple of days went by since my argument with Soomin and she had not returned home since then. It made me feel even more horrible since she was not answering her phone either.

My week had also been pretty rough since she left. The whole house was quiet and lonely and I had no one to talk to about my problems anymore. Work had also been stressful which made everything in my life feel like it was crumbling.

I sighed and stood up before leaving the office. Today I felt like I just needed a good stress relief so I decided to go to the bar. I could not think of anything better anyway.

I went home to change before heading to the bar. When I arrived I walked into the bar and I immediately felt out of place. The whole place was reeking of alcohol and sweat but I decided to ignore it as I just wanted to forget about my problems just for a bit.

I walked up to the bartender and got a whole bottle of whiskey knowing that it would be enough to help me forget just for tonight.

Half way through my bottle I felt someone sit beside me. Curiosity getting the best of me I decided to see who it was and in that very moment I felt like my eyes were playing tricks me.

Right next to me was the girl I had been dreaming about. I felt like I was either hallucinating or that I had drank more than I should have.

"Hello..." She greeted as she saw me staring at her continuously.

I was taken back by how sweet her voice sounded and that resulted in a deep blush coving my cheeks. But lucky for me I could just blame it on the alcohol.

"H-hi..." I said trying to sound cool but it just came out as a stupid stutter. I immediately started cursing myself for that but stopped when I heard the cutest giggles ever leave her beautiful plump lips.

"Had a bad day?" She asked as she took a sip from her drink. I nodded before sighing and calming my nerves.

"Yeah, things just haven't been going my way this week. Work has been stressing me a lot and I do not have anyone to talk to anymore." I expressed and poured my own drink into my glass.

"Well you could talk to me about. I have a lot of time." She responded and gave me her undivided attention.

I began explaining what was happening in my life at the moment and I did not see any type of judgement on her face which made me quite happy. For some reason I felt like I could truly express myself with her and I had never felt like this before with anyone.

By the time I had finished explaining we were both very tipsy. I could see that she was more in it than I was.

"I-I think you should go to her and apologize with some sweet gesture. G-girls like that sort of thing." She explained and took another sip from her tenth glass.

"I g-guess I could do that. N-now let's stop talking about me. Tell me about y-you. W-why are you here?" I question but I just got a cute chuckle in response.

"Well just like you I-I came here because of the... stress of work. T-today was a bad day because some crazy dude t-tried to get me fired because I would not agree to go with him on a... date." She laughed and this time gulped down all the content in her glass.

After doing thst I also followed gulping down my own drink as well which was not a good idea. My world started spinning and I knew at this point I was drunk. I was only brought out of my world by the sweet giggles of the girl beside me.

I looked at her and it felt like everything began playing in slow motion. Her giggling face was so mesmerising that I could not stop the actions that I was about to do next.

I began leaning in toward her which made her stop giggling but she did not stop me. When our lips where a few centimeters apart I looked into her eyes asking for permission and all she did was to stare into my own before closing the gap between our lips. I was taken back but soon kissed her back with the same emotions.

Surrogate Mother?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora