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Jimin's pov

With the help of Taehyung I managed to go to my old house and grabbed some stuff I needed. Jungkook tried talking to me but after Taehyung threatened to cut his dick off if he says another word, he stopped talking to me. Jungkook looked bad, maybe even worse than me and I couldn't help the satisfying feeling in my stomach when I saw him like this. At least he was suffering just as much as I was.

My plan was to move into a small apartment outside of the city, somewhere quiet and peaceful. I even though about moving to a whole new city, maybe even a new country. But there was one thing keeping me here: Taehyung.

Taehyung was an angel. He was always by my side. He even got me a lawyer because of the divorce and he convinced me to fully move in with him. We spent day and night together, but it wasn't romantic or sexual, just a platonic friendship.

Taehyung even wanted that I go to the police because of domestic violence but I didn't want that. I was happy that the divorce was over and didn't want to spent another second in the court room. I just wanted to forget Jungkook and everything that ever happened between us, even the good memories.

I took a long break form modeling, telling my manager and media it's because of personal issues, so I had time to heal.

After weeks and months living with Taehyung, my life got better. I started going out more and laughed more. Before I was just a shell barely surviving each day. I started to realize that I fell in love with Taehyung, more and more each day, until one day I finally made a move.

We were watching a movie. Or better Taehyung was watching a movie and I was watching Taehyung. In the middle of the movie Taehyung turned to me, "Are you final telling me why you are staring at me?"

I didn't answer, I just leaned forwards and kissed him.

We started going on dates after that and exactly 8 months after I moved in with him, he asked me to be his boyfriend. Of course I said yes but we decided to wait until we tell the public about us.

I haven't heard from Jin or Namjoon since that day. I blocked them from my number and all my social media. Taehyung told me one day that Jin tried to contact me multiple times but he managed to get him away.

I wasn't even surprised when I turned the TV on one day and saw that Jin and Namjoon publicly announced that they broke up. I wondered if I played a part in it.

I still had some times where I was sad and depressed but I started seeing a therapist which helped a lot. I found a way to cope with these depressing phases.

Me and Taehyung got a little dog together, her name was Yeontan. She was the cutest puppy I have ever seen and I loved her ever since I laid my eyes on her. She was like our little child.

One day, the media started going crazy. Jungkook uploaded a youtube video in which he confessed everything he did to me. From the beginning to the end. How he cheated on me, ignored me, hit me.

Taehyung advised me not to, but I still watched the whole 28 minutes of the video. By the end of the video, the last bit of anger and agony washed away from my heart. Jungkook finally admitted to what he did, not only to me but to everyone in the world. I thought I could finally forgive him but then I realized that Jungkook was not a part in my life anymore. Just like Yoongi I didn't need to forgive him.

My life was perfect but it was even more perfect when Taehyung dropped to his knees in front of me on our one-year-anniversary.

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