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Jimin's pov

Everything was silent when Jungkook said that. I slowly turned around to Jin. "What does he mean?" But as Jin kept his head down I knew the answer before he even said anything.

"You knew about this?", Taehyung raised his voice as he stepped closer to Jin. Silent tears ran down my cheeks. How could not only my husband but also my best friend betray me like that?

"J-Jimin, I...", Jin started talking but never finished his sentence. I closed my eyes when I felt a presence near me. Taehyung.

"How could you?", he spitted out. "Come on, Jimin. Let's go to my house.", Taehyung gently touched my arm.

"He is not coming with you.", Jungkook growled. "He is still my husband." "Didn't you hear him, asshole? He wants a divorce.", Taehyung yelled as he stood between me and Jungkook. My eyes were the whole time on the ground.

Taehyung gently took my hand and pulled me out of the house. His car was right in front of it. He opened the passenger seat for me and I sat down. With one last look to the house of my ex best friend I saw them standing outside, all of them had sad looks on their faces.

"Please forgive me, Jimin. I love you.", I heard Jungkook say before Taehyung slammed the door shut and sat down on the driver's seat.

The car rolled down the street and my eyes followed every single house that we passed, thinking about the people living in there. Do these people have the same problems as me? Does their partner cheat on them? Do they fall in love with their ex?

The car stopped in front of Taehyung's house. He helped me step out of the car. It wasn't like I could get out of it myself but it felt nice to have at least one person by my side. Taehyung guided me to the kitchen and I remembered the last time I was here.

Me and Jungkook fought, he confessed he cheated on me, I confessed I kissed Taehyung, he slapped me, he threw the vase at me.

I finally broke down. I let out a loud sob and my knees buckled in underneath me. If it weren't for Taehyung's hand around my waist I would have fallen to the ground.

Tears streamed down my face and I could barely see when Taehyung basically carried me to the sofa in the living room. "Shh.", he whispered into my ear and hugged me tightly. "It's alright, it's okay."

I gripped his shirt tightly and cried onto is shoulders. "Everything will be alright.", he whispered and I asked myself if that was really true.

It was a few days later. I stayed in Taehyung's house. I never stepped outside, I was only in the living room or in the guest room. I knew I needed to get my stuff from my... Jungkook's house but I never wanted to see that man in my life again. But still that thought hurt. I remembered our time a few years back, when I finally said yes when Jungkook asked me out multiple time but I always rejected him. The admiration in his eyes every time we talked or every time he said 'I love you'.

Everything was gone. Right now it felt like I could never be happy in my life.

Taehyung tried to talk to me multiple times a day but he quickly left me alone when he saw that I wanted to be.

That day, however, Taehyung said that he had to do some grocery shopping and asked if I wanted something. I wanted to fall asleep and never wake up again. But I couldn't tell him that so I just shook my head.

Just twenty minutes after he was gone, the bell rang. At first I didn't want to open the door but then I thought what if it was something important? Maybe Taehyung ordered something. I quickly regretted my decision to open the door when Min Yoongi stood in front of it. Just the sight of him made me feel sick in my stomach. Pictures of him and Jungkook in bed popped up in my head.

Jungkook kissing him, sucking on his neck. Yoongi gripping Jungkook's arm tightly and both moaning each other's name.

Did they even use a condom? Maybe I should get myself checked for any illnesses from this man in front of me.

I wanted to smash the door into his face but he started talking before I had the chance to. "I know I'm probably the last person you want to see but can we talk?"

I just stared at him without saying anything. "I am so sorry about everything. It was my fault and I deeply regret it. I spent the last few days just thinking about you and I was...I am so disgusted by myself."

I didn't say anything to that. He was just telling the truth.

"I knew that Jungkook was in a relationship, Namjoon told me but I didn't care. I fell in love with him." I looked away, the burn in my heart got stronger again.

"But he never loved me." I scuffed. "No, really, Jimin you have to believe me. I tried multiple to ask Jungkook out on a date but he always denied."

"He just did that so he could keep a clean imagine to the media.", I replied with a broken voice which I barely used the last few days.

"I know that Jungkook is an asshole, probably the biggest in the world, just like me. I was an selfish, careless asshole who just wanted my crush to notice me. I can understand if you won't forgive me but I still haven't slept more than five hours the last few days just thinking about how I hurt you and how I can make everything alright."

I looked him dead in the eyes.

"I don't care.", I said after some time.

"What?", he asked with wide eyes.

"I don't care how you feel. I don't care that you hate yourself now. I don't care how you think about Jungkook. I didn't know you before and I don't know you now, so I don't care about you and your feelings."

Yoongi stepped back, looking shocked at what I said, probably expecting me saying something different.

"The three most important people in my life betrayed me. I lost all of them. I lost my husband, my best friends, my house and my will to live. I don't give a shit about you."

Yoongi looked hurt but I didn't care. I said a last, "Goodbye.", before I closed the door behind me. I held a hand over my mouth, trying so hard not to sob but failed after I heard the footsteps walking away from Taehyung's house.

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