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Jimin's pov

Jin's statement didn't really help. Both of them liked me in High School? That's why they never got along together? I suddenly felt bad. I couldn't even imagine how Jungkook must have felt when I started to date Taehyung.

I sighed loudly and threw my head back. "Hyung, why is everything so complicated?" My best friend just chuckled. "That's life, sweety."

"But...", Jin started but trailed off. I locked at him expectantly and he continued. "Is everything okay with Taehyung? Like... Do you still feel something for him?"

I looked down and thought if I should tell him. I mean, I could trust Jin. "I don't know, hyung. It's... I don't know if I just cling onto the past too much." It was silent for some time until I looked up at Jin. "Hyung, am I a bad husband?" Tears gathered in my eyes. "What? Of course not, Jiminie. Why would you think that?"

"H-Hyung I cheated on Jungkook.", I said and my lips started to wobble. The expression on Jin's face turned from confused to empathetic. "Jiminie..." He just hugged me while I cried on his shoulder, missing the guilty look on Jin's face.

When I calmed down a little after a few minutes, Jin asked me what happened. With a stuffed nose, I tried to explain the kissing incident between me and Taehyung. "H-He's going to h-hate me.", I said after I told him everything, referring to Jungkook. "No, sweety. He won't hate you. But you have to talk to him. Tell him what happened. Jungkook is your husband and a great guy, he will understand your situation."

I nodded and wiped my nose on his shirt which made him cringe. "Okay, but can I sleep here tonight?" "Of course, sweety."

The next day I stood at the front door of Jin's house. We already ate a big breakfast, even though I couldn't eat much. "Do you need a ride?", Namjoon asked as he placed his hand around Jin's waist. "No, I'm alright, thanks. I need some fresh air."

With a last goodbye I walked outside and down the street. Through my head went multiple different ways to start the dreaded conversation with Jungkook. I mentally prepared myself to be kicked out. To sign a divorce petition. And before I knew it, I stood in front of Jungkook's and my house. I took one last deep breath and tried to opened the door. I sighed when I noticed that the door was locked. I didn't have my keys with me and I prayed that Jungkook was home, so I rang the bell.

I heard shuffling from inside and almost smiled when the door opened, expecting to see my husband. But I frowned slightly when I saw a stranger open it. When the stranger's eyes fell onto me, his eyes widened and he yelled for Jungkook. Who is he and why is he in our house?

Not even a minute later Jungkook was beside him, a surprised look on his face. "Oh, I didn't think you would come home so fast.", he said while scratching his neck. The frown on my face was still there when I remained silent.

We just stared into each others eyes for a while until Jungkook opened the door more and told me to go inside. Wow, thanks that I am allowed to step into my house.

I went to the living room while I overheard the conversation between Jungkook and Yoongi. "I think you should go home, Yoongi. I'll call tomorrow." Yoongi.

A sick feeling spread in my stomach as I heard Taehyung's voice clearly in my head.

He is cheating on you with Min Yoongi.

I heard the door close and Jungkook walked to the living room. We both just stood there while I was trying my hardest not to cry again.

"Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have been so angry about... you know.", he started talking while my gaze turned from the floor to his neck. "Did you stay over at Jin's pla-", he tried to small talk but I interrupted him.

"Are you cheating on me?"

My voice was dull and without emotions as I continued to stare at the hickey on his neck that clearly didn't come from me. His eyes widened for a second until an angry look spread on his face. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm not stupid, Jungkook. I can see the hickey." My eyes bore into his. "How long?", I asked, a lump formed into my throat. "How long what?", he asked, clearly annoyed. "For how long are you cheating on me?"

"For god's sake, I am not cheating on you." "Don't lie to me!", I yelled.

"Okay, you want to know the truth? Yes, I am cheating on you. With Yoongi. You want to know for how long? Ever since we started working on the movie together, three months ago.", he yelled back which made me shut up.

It was so silent in the room that I could almost hear my heart break. "Are you happy now?", he said, his body still tense. A tear fell down my cheek.

"I kissed Taehyung."

I watched as his eyes turned pitch black and his muscles tensed even more.

"You did what?", he asked quietly, almost threateningly.

"I kissed Taehyung.", I repeated while more tears fell down my face onto my shirt.

It was silent for a few seconds until Jungkook marched in my direction and the next thing I knew was that my head flew to the side and my left side of the face stung badly. Jungkook gripped my chin harshly and made me look to him. "Say it again.", he said lowly but I remained silent.

His other hand grabbed my hair harshly which made me wince at the pain. "I said, fucking say it again.", he yelled into my face. My whole body started to tremble. I have never been so scared in my life before.

"I-I k-kissed T-Tae-", I trembled out but another hard slap to my cheek made me shut up. A loud sob escaped my lips.

His grip on my hair and my chin loosened and he stepped back while running a hand through his hair. "Fuck!", he suddenly yelled out and grabbed a vase that stood on a small table besides that sofa and threw it in my direction. The vase collided with the floor right in front of my feet and the piece of glass stuck into my legs. I quietly yelped at the pain and stepped back, only to step on another piece of glass.

Jungkook didn't care much. He stomped upstairs, probably to our bedroom while I stood in the living room in the middle of pieces of glass.

Now that I was alone I noticed a warm liquid run down my cheek. As I touched my cheek, I saw blood in my fingers. One of Jungkook's rings must have cut my face as he slapped me.

I stood motionless in the middle of the room, not really processing what just happened. Somehow, I managed to stepped out of the shattered vase and walked to the bathroom limping. There I hopped on the counter and tried to pull out the glass on my feet. I bit my lip hard as I tried not to make much noise. But as more and more blood gushed out of the wound I let out a sob.

The best I could I tried to bandage the wound. When it stopped bleeding, I sat at the counter and thought. What should I do now? I couldn't stay here. So, I did the only logical thing in my mind right now. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed the number of my ex.

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