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Jimin's POV

me: 'Ok. I'm coming.'

Now it's 2 pm. I stood still in the living room for a while until I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I showered, put body lotion on, brushed my teeth, put on light make-up and styled my hair, until I freezed. What am I doing? This is Taehyung, not Jungkook. I frowned when I thought about when was the last time I dressed up like this for Jungkook. Me and Jungkook should go to a date again. I finished dressing up and looked at the clock. It was time to go and I felt myself getting more and more nervous the closer I got to the park. The park was big, like really big. Taehyung didn't say an exact location so I just wandered around a little.

Suddenly I was grabbed from behind and spun around. I gasped and started laughing. The person behind me finally turned me around so I could look at them. I wasn't surprised to see Taehyung. We both still had a big smile on our faces. Just like in High School. I shook my head at that thought. I shouldn't dwell on my past relationship so much. My smile faltered and so did Taehyung's when he looked at me. "Everything okay?", he asked while he still had his hands around my waist, and I didn't pushed him off either. I smiled again. "Yeah. Let's go." We walked around a little bit until we found a bench to sit on with no people around. "So you wanted to talk?", I asked. He sighed and looked down.

"First of all, I want to say sorry. I have been very insensitive. I know you are married to Jungkook and you love him and stuff... I did overwhelm you, didn't I?" I didn't answer, but he didn't even want one. "But... I can't let you go, not again. You don't know how much I regret leaving in the first place. Ever since I left, I always asked myself if we still would be together. And I know the answer: Yes, we still would be together, till this day. I know that because our love for each other wasn't just a Highschool affair. It was much more. It was real love, real passion. But I was too young and dumb to realize that. And now I have to deal with the consequences. I gave you up. I gave you up to Jungkook."

My heart clenched at his speech. I couldn't say a word while my hands were trembling. I got tears in my eyes as I thought back to high school. "Jungkook surely treats you right. He has made the right decision to marry you, he is a great guy. But the thing is..." He looked me in my eyes. "He doesn't love you as much as I do."

I stopped breathing, my eyes widened.

"I know you hate when I talk about him like that. But I know you know it too. I can't help but get angry and jealous every time I see you with him. I blame myself, I mean, it IS my fault. However, a small part in me still had hope. Hope that you would wait for me." A tear escaped my eyes and fell on my cheek. I didn't bother to wipe it away, knowing more will follow. "I know you want me, Jimin.", he ended his speech.

More tears were running down my face. I cried because he was right, I still wanted him. But I wanted Jungkook too. I wanted both but I can't have both. "I-I... Tae... I-We can't...", I stuttered, unable to say a complete sentence. I didn't even know what to say. I love you too?

"Look me in the eyes, Jimin, and say that you don't love me." I looked into his brown eyes that were filled with so much love and passion that I almost couldn't handle looking at them. I didn't say a word. For minutes we just stared into each other eyes. My heart was beating aggressively against my rips. His face came closer to mine. He probably heard my heart. His face was only centimeters away. Why am I not pulling away? I felt his breath against my mouth, his eyes looked down on my lips. Do something, Jimin! But I couldn't. I felt hypnotized. "I knew it.", he whispered before pushing his lips onto mine.

My head felt dizzy, the world around us was spinning. His scent was everything I could smell, his lips everything I could taste. It was only us. Me and Taehyung. It was a simple kiss, a peck. However, nobody wanted to break the kiss. After a while, Taehyung started to move his lips, still not using his tongue. He came closer to me, one hand on mine, his other hand on my waist.

At first, I didn't move my lips but I couldn't help myself. I started kissing him back. We kissed what felt like for hours but I still couldn't get enough. While his hands travelled further, I placed mine on his neck.

Only when his hand travelled dangerously close to my bottom, I pulled my lips away. My hands were still on his shoulders. Taehyung knew he went too far with his hand and put them higher again, on my waist. He leaned in again but I turned my head to the side. I started crying again. My heart burned and I felt like I need to throw up.

I cheated on Jungkook. I cheated on my husband.

I felt like dying. But it felt so good. I looked to Taehyung again and my breath caught in my throat. He looked breathtaking. His eyes half closed and his lips shiny and slightly swollen. He didn't say a word while looking at my tears. He probably knew why I was crying. He only hugged me while I cried on his shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry.", I breathed heavily. I didn't even know why I was apologizing. "I know, baby. I know." I only cried harder at the nickname. He shouldn't be calling me that. And I shouldn't like it. "I give you time. But promise me", he broke the hug and held my face in his hands. "promise me you will give me a chance. A chance to show you how much I love you."

He didn't need to show me, I already knew. "I-I need t-time to th-think.", I sobbed while still crying my heart out. He only nodded. "I will take you home." At first, I wanted to object, but given the fact that I couldn't even see properly because of my tears, it was dangerous to walk in the city alone. So, I let him pull me up to my feet. A hand around my waist he guided me all the way to my apartment.

I cried even more when I opened the door and was met with Jungkook's smell all over the apartment. No words were said as Taehyung took me to the bedroom, tugged me in and left after giving me a kiss to the forehead. After hearing the front door shut, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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