Chapter Seventeen

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The next few days went by and finally things fell back to normal. George's dad was gone for good. He hadn't attempted to contact George at all since the dinner incident. George was glad he met up with his dad- glad he got the reassurance that confirmed his mindset: that his dad really hadn't changed like he said he had.

George eventually wanted to reach out to his sister, though, now that he knew where she resided. Maybe after he started up work again in a few days he'd call her up and go get lunch with her. But for now, he was at peace with the fact that his dad was out of his life for good.

George was also so elated that he and Dream had sex. They say after you have sex for the first time, you'll have a craving for it and want to do it again and again after that. And that is exactly what happened to George. Sex clouded his thoughts daily, and he impatiently awaited Dream's response every time he asked if they could have sex again (which, nearly every single time, Dream said yes to.)

Dream's facial injuries were healing well. He had some minor bruising still under his eye, but that was all he had left to show from the night George's dad smashed his face in.

Dream was scheduled to start work on January 2nd. He was excited to finally have work and have something to do. Not that hanging out with George, cooking the dream team breakfast everyday, and going on long walks to pass the time wasn't amazing, but he started to get antsy that he wasn't doing enough and was being too lazy. All he had to get through was this New Year's Eve party that for some reason George was so excited to go to.

"Whose place is this party at again?" Dream asked, shuffling hung shirts in his closet and waiting until something caught his eye.

"Elise, I already told you that. We went to university together." George said, smiling at how frustrated Dream looked trying to pick out an outfit.

"How many people do you think will be there?" Dream asked.

Dream took three shirts and laid them out on the bed next to each other.

"I don't know, probably not too many. Since when does that matter to you, though? You're never really anxious about stuff like that." George said.

George pointed to the middle shirt that Dream set out: a navy blue button up with a pattern of tiny white flowers on it.

"You don't think that one's a little too gay?" Dream asked, eyeing George.

George scoffed. "You are a little gay, Dream. I like that shirt. You look good in blue."

"Okay, blue shirt it is. Can we stay at the party for hour at most?" Dream asked.

"An hour at a New Year's Eve party?! We have to at least stay until midnight, Dream, come on." George said.

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