Chapter Six

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"Can I borrow some pants?" George asked Dream. His were stained from the previous event that just happened and he would be incredibly embarrassed to go out in public like that.

"I mean...they're gonna be huge on you but sure." Dream laughed. "I think I have a few pairs with the drawstring in front so hopefully they don't fall off of you while you're walking down the street."

Dream found a pair of black joggers that had a drawstring at the front and handed them to George. George stared at Dream for a few seconds and then motioned for Dream to turn around so he could change.

Dream scoffed. "Really? My tongue was just down your throat yet you're scared of me seeing you without pants on?"

Dream turned around anyway though, per George's request. When Dream turned back around he laughed at how ridiculous George looked. He was absolutely swimming in Dream's sweatpants. The combination of that and George clutching his boxers in his fist (because obviously they, too, were soiled) was sending Dream into tears at this point.

"Okay shut up it's really not that funny." George said, now getting red in the face.

"I'm gonna go hop in the shower." Dream said, grabbing some new clothes for himself then heading down the hall.

Not even a minute after Dream left and went into the bathroom George was about to leave when he heard people outside the front door of the apartment.

"Uhh, Dream?" George spoke down the hall to Dream. Dream had already started the shower, though, and he couldn't hear George. George went down the hall right up against the bathroom door and called Dream's name again.

"What?" Dream answered finally.

"I think your family's home?!" George said, getting more and more nervous by the second.

"Okay, and?" Dream yelled back over the sound of the running shower.

"I-I don't wanna be here? When they come in?" George said, wondering how Dream wasn't understanding the issue.

"Why not?" Dream asked casually.

It was then that the apartment door opened and George didn't know what to do so he opened up the bathroom door (that was thankfully unlocked) and joined Dream.

Dream was still fully naked because he actually didn't even get dressed after he jerked off since he knew he was going to shower anyways. Not as if George hadn't see the entirety of Dream's body before, but still George instinctually turned around away from Dream.

Dream chuckled. "What's the problem, George?"

"The problem?! The problem is that your whole family is coming back from a nice day of brunch and shopping and they're going to find you and a random man in their bathroom. It's gonna look like we're showering together."

"Okay first off, I didn't ask you to come into the bathroom with me so the whole 'random man in the bathroom' thing is kinda your fault. But what would be so bad about my family thinking we were showering together?"

"Are you hearing yourself right now? You're saying your family wouldn't care if they walked in on us right now? Do they even know you like guys?"

"No, but they wouldn't care if I liked guys. And I'm allowed to have sex in my aunt's apartment, I was allowed to when I still lived with my mom a few years ago too. The rules are: it has to just be behind closed doors and I can't be too loud and I have to be respectful to any family members who are home."

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