Chapter Fourteen

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Dream paused- he was absolutely shocked. Was this really George's dad? The dad who was verbally abusive to both of his kids and kicked George's sister out of the house for coming out as queer? How did he get George's number? Why did he choose to call just a few days before Christmas? Dream had so many questions.

Sapnap was looking to Dream, lifting his eyebrows and wondering who Dream was talking to. Dream decided to fake the call and act like it was someone else on the other end of the line.

"Ohhh okay, you're George's landlord?" Dream said.

"What the hell are you talking about? Get off of my son's phone!" George's dad said, now almost yelling on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, I'll let him know he has a package in the lobby. Thank you for calling." Dream said.

Dream then walked into his and George's room, closing the door so Sapnap couldn't hear him.

"Don't you ever call this number again. Stay the fuck away from George." Dream whispered, hanging up promptly.

Dream then immediately blocked George's dad's number from George's phone. Dream walked out of the room, now Sapnap and George both staring at him.

"Uhh, who was that?" George asked, eyeing Dream.

"A number I didn't recognize, no caller id, but it-it was your landlord." Dream said.

"Terry? Don't you already have his number in your contacts, George?" Sapnap asked.

"Yeah, I do..." George said, now becoming suspicious.

"Oh, I think it was his cellphone, not the landline." Dream said.

"Um...okay. What did he want?" George asked.

"You have a package, but the office is closed until the 26th. He just wanted to let you know so you weren't wondering where it was." Dream lied.

"A package...? Ohhh, it might be the CPU I had to order for that lady's PC I'm building." George said.

"Yeah, that's probably it." Dream said, swallowing hard to stifle his nerves.

"You okay, baby?" George asked, walking over to Dream. "You look a lil nauseas."

"Yeah, I'm just...jet-lagged, I think." Dream said.

"Okay, we can go to sleep now if you want." George said, rubbing Dream's back.


The next day went by quickly: George, Sapnap, and Dream spent most of it cleaning up and preparing for Sapnap's mom to arrive.

At first, Dream thought Sapnap's mom was a lot like Sapnap: affectionate, considerate, and helpful to the people she cares about- but also, similar to Sapnap, she could get a little angry and intense at times. They decided to go out for dinner on Christmas Eve, and since Dream's family didn't really have any big plans that night, he joined.

Sapnap's mom was fine with whatever restaurant they went to, but she caused a bit of a scene when George got the wrong meal.

"The shepherd's pie...?" Sapnap's mom stared at George's plate. "Did you order the shepherd's pie, honey?" She asked George.

" I got the mac and cheese." George said.

"Goodness, it's this waiter, I swear. He forgot my water, and now this?! It's not even that busy here." She said, whipping her head around quickly to try and spot the waiter.

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