Chapter 79 - Chen Mother's questions

Start from the beginning

Chen Mother waited for a while, noticed her daughter was really asleep, then she muttered she will tell her again tomorrow and left.

After a long while, Chen Ruo Yu opened her eyes and sent a text message to Meng Gu. 

~ My mother asked me whether you and your family treat me well.  She said she does not need wealth, she only wants me to be treated well.  So, you have to treat me a little bit better because I have a mother who will back me.

After a while, Meng Gu’s text message came back.

~ Please tell my mother-in-law, her daughter had already lost her heart and her body.  It is too late for regrets.

She pursed her lips and stared at the text message and replied after a long time.

~ Pei!

After that, she felt satisfied and went into a beautiful sleep.

Meng Gu stayed in C-city until the sixth day of the New Year.  In addition to receiving loving care and questions from Chen Family, he also took Chen Father, Chen Mother, and Chen Brother on a shopping spree as a way of showing his goodwill as the future son-in-law.

During this time, Chen Ruo Yu exhibited her complete control over her Mr. Tyrannosaurus’s wallet saying that this item is expensive, that is not practical, this is a waste and that is not appropriate.  In the end, the three members of the Chen Family and Meng Gu, a total of four pairs of eyes glared at her.  But she still stuck to her principles and insisted to follow her own views and standpoint.

In the end, Chen Father shook his head, while Chen Brother disdained her for taking sides, neglecting him and Chen Mother lamented that this daughter eats at home while secretly crawling out*.

(Here it means that CRY as the daughter of Chen Family is not favoring her own family instead she is taking Meng Gu’s side, who an outsider and still not part of the family yet.)

In order to mediate the family conflict, Meng Gu came forward to express his temporary withdrawal of financial power from Chen Ruo Yu.  The three members of the Chen Family immediately stopped their protests and felt embarrassed to continue shopping.  Chen Ruo Yu secretly looked at Meng Gu and showed her satisfaction with the result.

After two days of shopping, the result was everyone was happy and due to Meng Gu’s wallet, Chen Ruo Yu had rapidly developed into a strong woman.  Meng Gu also told her in private he felt she was ready to face his parents.

She ignored him and thought he was joking.

On the sixth day, the sun was shining and the weather was very good.  Meng Gu took his leave and together with Chen Ruo Yu, they went back to A-city.

Because Chen Ruo Yu’s relationship with her mother had improved by leaps and bounds, like the time when she was young, so she was in a good mood.  All along the journey, she was humming the song ‘I want to come to look for Chen Ruo Yu’, at the same time writing into her small notebook.

“What are you writing?”  Meng Gu was driving and was not able to check her small book, so he just asked.

“Writing down the foolish things you had done.”

“Then I’ve to trouble you to write down all the foolish things you had done next to those foolish things that I had done.  But is this book enough?  I can get you a bigger one.”

“Huh?…….”  Chen Ruo Yu wrinkled her nose.

“Have you written down the smart things I had done?”  Meng Gu asked again.

“No need.  You had only done one smart thing.  I won’t forget.”

“What is it?”

“It is… liked me and pursued me.  Looking for me to be your wife is the full reflection of your IQ. 

Meng Gu smiled and nodded.  The more he thought about it, the more he laughed and eventually he burst into loud laughter.

“Hey, what is so funny?”


“What is nothing?”

“It’s just that I have confidence in you.”

She was unable to understand Meng Gu’s words.  Later she fell asleep in the car and when she woke up, she finally understood the meaning of Meng Gu’s words.

He took her to a restaurant and as he led her upstairs he told her his parents were waiting for her in a reserved room.


Chen Ruo Yu’s footsteps faltered and she was greatly surprised.

Does he need to spring such a sudden attack on her?

“I’m not prepared yet!”  This is terrible! !  Instantly she was attacked by her Elderly Parental Phobia

She pulled Meng Gu’s hand and asked.  “When I see them, what should I say?”

“Anything will do.”

“What if I can’t even speak?”

“Then just eat.”

“What if they ask me questions?”

“Just answer.”

“What if they issue me a cheque?”


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