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"The course of true love never did run smooth."  - William Shakespeare


Victor scrubbed at the skin of his arms, running the washcloth over it until it turned red but the result failed to satisfy him. Extensive training in the sun had given him a hearty tan, which wouldn't be a problem to him, he liked it, because it meant he was a strong man who worked to earn his living. Normally, he would love feeling like that. It was just that...

He wasn't sure if Henry liked it.

He was sure Henry had only ever been interested in women previously. So, if by some chance of fate the Captain was enamoured with him, it was probably due to his more feminine features. His pale skin, narrow shoulders, lithe waist and big eyes. Sure, he wasn't anything compared to Louis, who could even rival the most beautiful queens in the world any day, but still, when put next to Henry, it became very clear to outsiders as to who controlled the reins between them.

And normally, he would have a problem with that. He would have a problem with being forced into a more subdued position in a relationship, purely based on his less than masculine features. And who said being feminine, or being a woman for that matter, meant that you were inclined to be more submissive? People tended to forget that women single-handedly push humanity forward by pushing babies out of their bodies periodically. If they stopped, the world stops.

Normally, he would refuse to polish his feminine features, just to seem more attractive to a man. But now... he craved it.

He wanted to appear beautiful for Henry.

Maybe it was also because some seven walking idiots had ingrained a doubt into his mind while bullying him. A doubt that said, 'she'.

Victor was sure, before him, Henry was definitely popular among the ladies. As he should be, in all rights. He had no qualms with that. It was all in the past, after all. But the man who had said, 'she' so confidently, that said 'she' would appear and make Henry forget about him. That Henry would toss him aside like a used rag and fly right into 'her' arms. He couldn't have that. He couldn't afford to have that happen.

It made him feel sick.

And so he scrubbed and scrubbed. At the stubborn tan lines, at the dirty nail beds and the sweaty skin. He applied various oils and creams he was gifted by Rachel. He trimmed his nails neatly. He pinched his cheeks to make them ruddy with colour. He brushed his hair and let them fall softly. He wore fitted clothes that accentuated his waist line. He rubbed a perfumed balm over his pulse points, on his throat especially, so Henry could smell it when he leaned in. It was heavily scented with floral and citrusy notes and it nauseated him, so Henry had to like it, right? 

Even if there was a 'she', as long as he was prettier than her, Henry would still like him, right?


"You smell."

Victor rolled his eyes. "That's rude of you to say."

"You do know that you are going to end up sweaty and smelly anyways, right?"


"So, what gives?"

"Louis, shut up and let me feel beautiful!"

"Alright, fine." Louis sighed. "Whatever happened to Mr. I-want-to-be-manly Victor?"

"Don't be so conceited now." Victor chided. "Being manly has nothing to do with how you look and appear." He banged his fist against his chest. "It's all in here."

"Yes, sure. Tell that to the court ladies, I'm sure you'll charm their skirts off." It was Louis' turn to roll his eyes.

"Don't be jealous that I get more women than what you've even seen in your whole life, Louis."

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