Chapter 5: Tea Time

Start from the beginning

"How about yours, White Diamond?" Rose glances over to the eldest Diamond.

"It was decent, Ms. Flower." White Diamond replied.

Rose dropped more sugar cubes in her tea. She does not have to worry about the calories, due to her not gaining or losing weight in her body, well, not body, but a stem. Steven and White still don't know what happens to the food or drink when consumed by Rose. 

And none of them will question Rose about it, not wanting to be rude and potentially anger her. Steven knows what the British flower is capable of, and does not want to be turned into a goat. 

"Rose?" Steven asks.

"Yes, Steven?" Rose glances back to him.

"You have some holes in your cape. Did you catch it on something?" Steven asked in concern.

Rose had forgotten that she hadn't repaired her cloak after the fight with Huge Gigantacus three days ago. Not wanting to stress Steven out with the new threat on Homeworld, Rose tells Steven a white lie.

"I caught it on something when traveling around on Homeworld."

It wasn't a total lie. Rose did caught it on something. She just didn't address why she was traveling around Homeworld.

"Oh, well, you could leave it here and Phoebe can sew it up for you." Steven offers.

"That's okay, Steven. I can sew it myself, but thank you for the offer." Rose ruffled his hair, which made White jealous.

White pretended to sip on her tea, not wanting to have liquid enter her body, or form. White does not want to experience the liquid exiting her form after drinking and digestion. 

Why she pretends to sip is so she doesn't feel left out. Rose can tell White isn't drinking the tea, since she never poured more tea in the cup.

"Well, I think I should be going." Rose said after Steven and White set their cups on the table, and then she made the tea set disappear.

"Stay safe, Steven. I'll see you again soon. Tell Phoebe I said hi." Rose and Steven hugged.

Rose made the thorns on her leafy-body disappear so she doesn't prick Steven. White folded her arms, almost huffing out loud.

"Goodbye, Steven. White, when you feel up to it, I wish to speak to you outside. Privately." Rose said before opening the door to outside and leaving the house.

White looked at the door and then at Steven.

"I wonder why she would like to speak to me." White pondered. 

"Maybe Rose wants to talk about how jealous you are." Steven answered.

White isn't too comfortable with Steven acknowledging her obsession with him. She preferred when it was only her knowing it. Steven finds it somewhat heartwarming that her obsession still hadn't changed over the years, even when he has been reduced of what he used to be. 

"I don't think so." White replied and she hugged Steven before leaving the house, since she planned on going back to Homeworld after her chat with Rose.

She savored it, because it was rare to hug Steven and not get weird exchanges from anyone else (since no one else is here). 

"Goodbye, Steven." White Diamond bids.

"Bye, White." Steven waved. "Don't worry, you're always welcome here."

"I can't always leave Homeworld. I'm just too busy." White Diamond sighs.

Steven sighed. "I wish I could to Homeworld without my issues stopping me. Then, I could go and see what you guys have done with the place."

White, still holding onto him, considered something. "I could try to erase the bad memories, and probably get rid of the trauma. But... I could potentially erase other memories unintentionally. I still haven't gotten better at using my power on one's memories. Last time I did, I drove Pink away from me and the others."

Steven Universe AU 3 by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now