On her way back she got coffees for them both, and when she arrived Zach was talking to some very excited fans after another panel. He waved her over and accepted, taking a sip before continuing. "I can't promise anything guys but you know I'll do my best," he winked and ushered Kate backstage. The only way to describe what was happening was a buzz. She couldn't make out anything but everyone was just, abuzz. "How is it out there?" he asked. "We have one more panel and then I can introduce you to some people if you like?"

"It's crazy. Absolutely freaking carazy. It's amazing!" Zach laughed at her giggling like a school girl.

"Wait til you hear my news, then," he put a finger to his lips. "Can you keep a secret?"

She pretended to zip her lips.

"Tom is coming tomorrow," he grinned like a Cheshire cat and she gave him a confused look. "You heard about Hall H right?" Kate shook her head. "He did a surprise appearance as Loki at the Marvel panel a little while ago. How can you have missed that?" She shrugged. "You're not even a little excited?"

"Should I be?"

Zach threw his hands up in the air. "Remember once I said you were one in a million? I'd like to reiterate that statement. You're the one in a million people here who ISN'T excited." He took her arm, "we have work to do."

That afternoon Zach introduced Kate at a private get together after the convention had closed. By the time she had met Jensen and Jared, Adam and Nathan, and countless others she thought she'd died and gone to heaven. As they walked back to the hotel, they went over the schedule for Sunday. "Tom is the last panel, then we pack up and get ready to party. You're coming, right?" She nodded. "It's looking like for that one I'm going to have more volunteers than audience. I hate saying no to anyone, I'm so grateful for all the help but it's going to be a bit crazy!"

"Well actually, if you have plenty I'll sit out. There's still more I want to see while I'm here so that would give me the perfect opportunity." Zach looked at her incredulously.

"One in a million, Katie."

The last day was exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. Lack of sleep and the physical running around was taking its toll and by the time they were ready to relax she was ready for a nap. She put on a short mauve dress, it fitted her curves perfectly, flowing over her hips and flaring a little at the bottom. She added crystal drop earrings and nude heels and resisted the urge to twirl in front of the mirror. Her hair was put up loosely and curly because she had forgotten to pack the straightener. Zach was already downstairs with the first few guests and he introduced her to a few more friends. At 9:30 Kate started saying her goodbyes, stopping for a few photos along the way. She left Zachary until last and by then it was almost 10. "You're not leaving yet!" he pouted, pulling her in to a tight hug. "Thanks so much for your help this weekend, you were amazing." he kissed her cheek and let her go.

"Thanks for having me, I had so much fun. When are you in LA next?"

"Not for a few months, closer to Christmas I think. We'll talk soon though. Drive safe and let me know when you're home,"

"Yes mum," she teased.

As she started to walk away he called her back. "Wait, do you have another 5 minutes?"

"No, I'm late as it is, at this rate I'll never get home! I'll text when I'm home," she blew a kiss across the room and was gone.

"Sorry I'm late buddy. Who's that?" Tom asked, appearing beside him, watching Kate walk out the door.

"Uh, someone I wanted you to meet actually. She's the only girl I've met who doesn't want to throw herself at you."

"I do like a challenge," Tom winked.

"That one's not for toying with, Hiddleston," Zach said seriously. "Let's get you a drink, shall we?"


When Kate arrived home it was after midnight but she was too wired to sleep. Checking her phone, she sent Zach a quick text and noticed her Facebook and Twitter feeds were filled with the Loki appearance from yesterday, so she found the video.

She sat gaping at the phone for a good minute after the video ended. Then she watched it again. The charisma oozed from him and the performance was mesmerising. He almost broke character once and she couldn't help but smile a little. She didn't get the hype, millions of women who wanted to marry him and have his babies (among other things!) but she did understand the buzz about his acting. His talent was remarkable. She had seen the Hollow Crown series and remembered his performance in it, the way Shakespeare's words flowed off his tongue as though it was his native language was simply beautiful. To go from that to Loki was a testament to his ability to completely immerse himself in a character.

"Ugh go to bed Kate you're daydreaming with your eyes open," she said out loud.

Everything but time [Tom Hiddleston] {EBT book 1/4}Where stories live. Discover now