Declan half-wished Sebastian had remained asleep, so he could have stared at him a little longer. He wasn't done memorising him. But then, Sebastian's dark eyes and husky morning voice wasn't something he was going to complain about, either.

Sebastian's arms were around Declan's waist, and he instinctively tugged him closer, "Last night was fun."

It was fun. Because Sebastian was gorgeous, and Declan could never stay away from gorgeous people. "It was." And because he couldn't resist, he brushed his fingertips across Sebastian's jaw, checking that he was real. Solid, hot, there.

"Sorry for crashing here." Sebastian groaned, "I don't wanna be in your way."

"You're not." Declan said quickly, internally cringing at how pathetic he sounded. He was so starved of affection, Sebastian's mere presence had sent him into overdrive. Sometimes, it was dangerous, how desperately he craved attention. It was the only thing that ever made him feel valued. And if he didn't get enough of it, he wilted, like a dying flower.

Sebastian smiled, "You sure?"

"Yeah." Declan nodded, but then realisation hit him like a ton of bricks, "Fuck. I mean, yes, but..." He groaned, running a hand through his messy ginger curls, "I have work. Not yet, but...soon. Later. I mean..."

"You should have some breakfast before you go." Sebastian cut him off, "I'm not a great cook, but I can make you something, if you want."

Declan was taken off guard for a moment, because usually, people left the second they woke up. "Uh..."

"Sorry." Sebastian apologised bashfully, "That was... Sorry... I'll just get out of your way-"

"Breakfast sounds great." Declan grinned, "I'm starving."

Relief flashed across Sebastian's face, "Okay. Okay, great, me too."

"I have eggs." Declan offered, "And maybe some veggie sausages in the freezer. You'll have to have a hunt around for them."

"You're a vegetarian?" Sebastian asked curiously, propping himself up with his elbows, chestnut curls falling into chocolate eyes.

"Yeah." Declan smiled, "I-uh-It's kind of a stupid story."

"Tell me." Sebastian pleaded.

"Well, when I first started to come to terms with my sexuality, I did a bunch of research, and found out about all these things that bi people are meant to be." His cheeks were already growing pink, "Apparently we're meant to cuff our jeans and wear converse and..." He chuckled at the absurdity of it, "We're meant to be vegetarians."

Sebastian laughed, and it was sweet and genuine and unguarded, "You're kidding, right?"

"Shut up." Declan nudged him playfully, "I've spent my life trying to fit in, and if someone tells me that people will accept me more if I do certain things, then I'll do them."

Sebastian was looking at him curiously, "I quite like you how you are." He said earnestly, "Don't change."

Declan chewed his lower lip, trying to keep his expression neutral, so Sebastian didn't realise that Declan had been waiting his whole life to hear that. "I don't reckon you care much for what other people have to say, do you?"

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