"Oh, I'm boring." Declan shrugged, "I grew up in a boring town, went to a boring school, then a boring uni. I dropped out six months into my first year, and now my life is utterly directionless." He smiled cheerfully, "I just moved to the area, I barely know anyone, and I work in a shitty diner for minimum wage."

Sebastian stared at him blankly for a moment, "Oh, I..." He swallowed, "I don't think that sounds boring."

Declan wore a lazy smile, "No?"

"No, you sound...you sound interesting. I think...I think you're interesting."

Declan grabbed Sebastian's collar, and pulled him in for a kiss, their bodies pressed flush together, lips moving in sync. Sebastian had almost forgotten what intimacy felt like, but here, with Declan, it felt like electricity. It felt like reconnecting with a part of himself he had lost in the drugs and the depression. It felt good, until he started to taste the vodka on Declan's lips, and everything fell apart. He quickly pulled away, and Declan stared at him with parted lips, eyes wide and shining, "Are you okay?"

Sebastian nodded, "Sorry." He mumbled, "You just... You taste like alcohol."

"Oh." Declan breathed out, "Sorry."

"No, it's okay." Sebastian said quickly, "It's fine, I just... I wasn't... It took me off guard."

"Are you...?" He hesitated, his lip caught between his teeth, unaware that that was driving Sebastian crazy, "Are you like a...a recovering alcoholic or something?"

"Or something." Sebastian sighed, then decided to be honest, "I was a drug addict."

"Oh." Declan didn't let his surprise show, and Sebastian was grateful for that.

"I'm sober." Sebastian promised hastily, "I have been for a while now."

Declan reached into his pocket, and pulled out a packet of mints, popping one into his mouth, "This should get rid of the taste." He smiled, leaning back against the wall, "Give me a second."

"You really don't have to-"

"I want to kiss you." Declan said boldly, "And if I have this mint, I can kiss you, right?"

"Uh..." Sebastian could barely contain his desire. He felt like an animal clawing at the bars of its cage. He wanted to leap on Declan, devour him whole, leave nothing left. He hadn't experienced this kind of attraction in years; he had forgotten what it felt like.


His mouth was dry, "Yes." Sebastian choked out, "If you have that mint, you can do anything you want to me."

Declan's eyes flashed with hunger. He swallowed the mint, and his lips were on Sebastian's again, greedy, relentless, desperate. They kissed, surrounded by cigarette smoke, their hands gripping at fistfuls of clothes, tugging each other impossibly closer. They were both needy, both clumsy, both burning with longing.

Declan pulled away by a centimetre, his forehead still resting on Sebastian's, "You wanna come back with me?" He murmured into Sebastian's lips.

Sebastian's grip tightened around Declan's waist, "Yeah." He breathed out shakily, "Please."

Declan chuckled, slipping his hand into Sebastian's, and pulling him back into the nightclub, eyes set on the exit.

They were stopped in their tracks when Harvey seized Sebastian's shoulder, pulling him away from the door, "Where have you been?" He asked, shouting over the music, his eyes darting to Declan, then to their linked hands. A grin spread across his lips, "You been a busy boy, Seb?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Shut up." He nudged Harvey away, and tightened his grip on Declan's hand, instinctively tugging him closer, "I was in the smoking area."

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