Invasion BETA (Part 5 : New Tactical Unit)

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Severomorsk, April 28, 2014.

Three British nationals were caught red-handed by Borei after it was discovered that they were monitoring developments regarding the Su-57 Felon, the three were interrogated and it was discovered that they were MI6 agents who were British agents to carry out secret and high-risk missions.

All Russian naval bases were thoroughly searched to prevent British spies from hiding, since Fiona was at the main base of Severomorsk she was naturalized as quickly as possible into a Russian citizen of British descent by Rear Admiral Nikolai Pramashenko to make it easier for her to check the base after being nearly missed by the capture of three men. MI6 agent from England.

"With this you officially become part of our country." Pramashenko closed his remarks.

"It's an honor to be a citizen of Russia ... I hope we can have good cooperation." Fiona is happy to be naturalized.

"Even though this is just to make it easier for him to pass the FSB check but he seems happy." Rossiya gave his opinion regarding the naturalization carried out by commander Pramashenko of Fiona.

"I agree with that.. but I'm sure that Fiona isn't a MI6 spy." Soyuz nodded in agreement with Rossiya's opinion.

Fiona followed Reina in the process of naturalization by the Northern Parliament, Reina herself had already undergone naturalization when she was recruited as a communications officer. Both are officially Russian citizens who have the right to use all facilities safely and comfortably without having to be bothered with residence permits or visas.

Not long after, about 30 minutes later, several FSB people assigned by President Putin to inspect everyone at the Severomorsk base, including Fiona, Reina and several other Royal Navy ship girls.

Luckily they all passed the inspection without the slightest disturbance, but another problem arose where Queen Elizabeth grumbled because she was too afraid of the political situation in Russia that was heating up as a result of the arrest of three MI6 agents.

"I ALREADY DIED... YOU WANT TO KILL ME HERE?" Elizabeth never learns from experience, she curses Nakhimov and Pyotr Velikiy who are nearby.

"My apologies, Your Majesty Elizabeth ... this is the procedure ... if you don't like it better keep quiet or else trouble will arise." Nakhimov answered Queen Elizabeth's concerns coldly.

"Your Majesty... calm down... they are just doing their job." Warspite tried to calm Elizabeth down.

Fiona who heard this immediately approached Elizabeth to help Warspite condition the situation because she was worried that the Royal Navy and Northern Parliament would be hostile to each other due to the unfavorable situation.

"Sorry for the disturbance Miss Elizabeth ... they are only carrying out orders because an MI6 agent from England has been arrested for espionage." Fiona bowed in apology.

"Why are you here?" Elizabeth was confused by Fiona's intentions.

"I fled here because only Russia is closest to the UK.. but luckily they treated me well...unlike most Royal Navy officers who tend to hate my short I distanced myself from the Royal Navy but I didn't expect to see you again in here." Fiona told a short story.

"I'm sorry... I don't actually hate you... I liked you after successfully repelling Nazi Germany's attacks on the southern tip of England... my superiors pressured me to hate you but I had to do that... again... I'm sorry. " Queen Elizabeth hugged Fiona tightly while crying.

"Never mind what has happened ... after all I prefer to be here even though the Royal Navy raised me ... I will help you while here ... but I was never interested in returning to the Royal Navy ... especially if you have to lead it." Fiona understands Queen Elizabeth's feelings but she is already hurt by the treatment she has received in the past.

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