Liberation Of Sumatera Island (Ending Of War)

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"Help ! Help ... we need our artillery support ! ... we don't have any ammo ... please help ! ... we don't have option ! ... goodbye ... long live Great Britain long live Queen!"

A radio call came in on Reina's radio channel and there was silence after a loud bang, it was suspected that the announcer did not survive after being hit by the explosion that killed him.

"Okay ... we can help you but send your coordinates for our artillery crews." Reina tried to answer the call but there was no answer.

The radio voice turned out to be from the Malayan brigade which was taking Medan from the Japanese, even though they had tried their best but the troops were still having trouble and even had to retreat to Pematang Siantar.

Reina immediately discussed with other officers about the British troops who were starting to stagnate in the war because they had not succeeded in capturing any territory from the Japanese.

"We need to know together ... Britain is boycotting us ... they even complained to the United Nations just because we were too late to liberate Japanese concentration camps with prisoners of war ... if they used logic they would know how difficult the situation on the ground was. .. but they chose another path." said Lidya opening the conversation.

"The United Nations already knows and we are being urged to help the UK ... it is a very unfortunate situation." Halsey complained.

"The UK is even using their powers at the UN arbitrarily... even though our country's representatives are struggling to convince the UN Security Council." Fiona snapped, dissatisfied with the performance of British military officials.

"Maybe this is the stone ... but the British used dirty methods by bribing the UN officials to sacrifice us in the war ... this is really unfair ... the number of personnel and equipment is still a lot British ... but why do they still ask for our help in numbers a little." Reina complained about the current situation.

"It seems that Reina is very upset with British officers ... ekhem ... about the bribery of top UN officials being under intelligence surveillance ... soon there will be news." said Lidya casually.

"It's really annoying ... Fiona used to be in prison for successfully repelling the Germans without her superiors knowing ... luckily she got away." Reina replied somewhat annoyed.

"Putting aside the past ... what troops did the British use in the battle of Sumatra." Fiona asked.

"Three Malay brigades, one Australian brigade, two British battalions ... it's fully equipped with motorized troops and artillery." Lidya answered while handing me a note.

"There are also many ... almost fifty thousand troops ... we only have fifteen thousand capital and even then it has been divided with the liberation troops who control Java ... I remember most in the battle of Balongan ... 3000 people we had to fight twice as many opponents but thanks to good tactics they finally won... I think England have a problem with tactics." said Captain Polina.

"Eitss wait ... see who the commander is ... you must be curious." Lidya made many people curious.

"Who is it?" Reina asked.

"The commander is... Churchill himself hahaha." Lidya replied with a laugh as the others followed.

"Political people control the military so it's like that... very strange tactic." said Fiona.

"Strange and disorganized ... how can I not? I just often catch the British troops communication channels ... most of them do not understand the tactics used ... far different from ours." Reina replied.

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