Military Academy Like A Hell

976 24 7

Liverpool, 05.00

"Fiona are you ready?"  Reina was already standing near the bedroom door.

"Ready ... when do we leave?"  Fiona came out of the room carrying a medium bag.

"Bring enough ... not too much."  Reina said.

"I've got it ready."  Fiona replied to Reina's words.

"Okay let's go."  Reina invites Fiona to leave immediately.

Reina took Fiona to the London military academy using a base operational vehicle which was a Mitsubishi Lancer sedan.

"She came today huh?"  A Russian naval commander visits the London military academy.

"That's right commander... she will arrive this morning."  Said one of the commander's companions who always accompanied him wherever he went.

"It's admitted... she's very diligent."  The commander was impressed by Fiona's diligent attitude

"She's on his way to hell... but he's so excited."  Said the assistant commander.

"Don't worry... we'll deal with her on our own."  The Russian commander is interested in training Fiona in his own way.

Along the way she could see a row of battleships parked on the dock, she didn't know there were several Russian ships in the row.

Only Reina noticed that a Russian ship was parked along the pier, but she didn't tell Fiona because Fiona would have known.

Fiona accidentally fell asleep because the driver's demeanor was so smooth and it made her sleepy and then fell asleep hugging her bag.

British roads in the morning are so empty that drivers don't hesitate to speed up to get to London quickly.

In just 45 minutes they arrived at the London military academy, there was already a man dressed as a two-star officer and a girl dressed as a marine officer.

"Fiona... wake up... we're here."  Reina woke up the sleeping Fiona.

"Eh... are we there yet?"  Fiona was surprised when Reina woke up.

"Yeah...let's go out."  Reina invites Fiona out.

As they exited they could feel the gazes of the two officers staring intently at Fiona.

"Captain Reina... report before sir."  Reina saluted and was followed by Fiona.

"Wow it's great Reina-san already has an assistant."  The commander said to Reina.

"Hehe yes ... I'll leave her ... now Fiona he will train you here ... take care of yourself."  Reina left a message to Fiona.

"Ready miss."  Fiona nodded in agreement to Reina

Reina immediately returned to Liverpool because she had to return to work, Fiona began entering the London military academy.  Before entering he was first checked by the guard.

"May I see your ID card?"  The officer girl asks Fiona to show her ID

"Ready."  Fiona took out her identity card from under her black coat.

She couldn't figure out the names of the two officers because their names were written in Russian Cyrillic but she could tell they were both from Russia.

The officer girl handed the identity card to the two-star officer man for closer inspection.

"So... Fiona Evergarden your name? Nice name for a girl like you."  This mysterious commander was slightly in awe of Fiona.

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