An Impressive First Day Of Work

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Liverpool, 05.30

The first day of work began. Fiona started her activities by getting ready for work and she was a little surprised because Dido and Hermione were in her room preparing a cup of tea and some cakes.

"Fiona-sama is awake huh ... good morning ...." (Dido)

"Good morning ... Dido-san ..." (Fiona) * finished showering in uniform and got ready to work *

"Please enjoy the tea ..." (Dido) * carefully gave a cup of tea to Fiona *

"Wow what a coincidence ... I want tea ... thanks ..." (Fiona) * received tea from Dido and immediately drank it slowly *

Fiona enjoyed the tea very happily because this was the first time she was enjoying tea with the warmth of the maids who made it.

Reina was still sleeping on her bed. She looked tired while Fiona woke up earlier than her because she was afraid of being late on the first day of work.

"Reina-san seems tired huh ..." (Fiona)

While waiting for Reina to wake up, Fiona decided to talk to the two maids, Fiona tried to open up to the two maids by trying to communicate with them.

"Um ... can I ask you lots of things?" (Fiona)

"Of course you can ... please ..." (Dido)

"When I hear your names I remember the 2 Royal Navy cruisers during World War 2 ... are you ship girls?" (Fiona)

"Yeah ... right ... we are ship girls ..." (Dido)

"Are all those here also ship girls? I saw my work documents have the name KGV Howe Prince of Wales Duke of York Warspite and many more ..." (Fiona)

"Yes ... it is true ... we are ship girls created by humans ... we were created to protect humans from the threat of our enemies ... namely sirens and deep sea ships ..." (Hermione)

"The Northern Parliament has eliminated nearly half of the deep sea force under the orders of commander Pramashenko ... while the enemy continues to multiply ..." (Dido)

"Do you have a leader besides your commander?" (Fiona)

"There is ... Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ... she is the leader of the Royal Navy faction ..." (Dido)

"Hmm, the name has been heard ..." (Fiona)

"Fiona-sama is great, so it can attract Reina-sama's attention ..." (Dido)

"Ehehe ... it's not so normal ..." (Fiona)

"Fiona-sama when she is smiling so pretty ..." (Hermione)

"Ahh not really hehe ... than that do you guys have a commander here?" (Fiona)

"There ... our commander is Lieutenant Colonel William Hampshire ... he's been here for 30 years and is about to retire ..." (Dido)

"Hmm, it's long too huh ..." (Fiona)

Reina woke up from her sleep because she heard the conversation between the two maids and Fiona.

"Wow, Fiona-chan is ready ... early in the morning we'll start working at 7.30 this morning it's still 5.45" (Reina)

"I'm used to waking up so early ... I actually really wanted to help the maids but I didn't want to move at will just because I'm your personal assistant ... so I chatted with these two maids hehe ..." (Fiona)

"Actually you can ask Dido for permission ... but since you're new here you have to know your work environment first ..." (Reina)

"So I can help the maids when I wake up in the morning again?" (Fiona)

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