Keep Fighting Without Knowing The Pain

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The situation in England began to be chaotic because the Royal Navy was reluctant to carry out operations in the Pacific, it could not be separated from Elizabeth's spoiled attitude who kept on whining at Admiral William not to be deployed in Pacific operations, thereby causing anger among the British navy.

While in the Pacific, conditions were stable, Russia controlled Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula which was previously captured by Japan, while the United States controlled the Solomons and began moving towards Papua New Guinea.

Northern black death squad sank 117 troop carriers and injured 27 Japanese shipgirls.

Meanwhile, Iowa led his troops to seize Leyte from Japanese hands. Iowa managed to paralyze Yamato after engaging in an exciting duel in the Surigao Strait.

Iowa paralyzed Yamato alone without the help of his brothers, after 22 of his 16-inch bullets hit the target right while Iowa was hit by 460mm caliber 4 times.

Missouri managed to bring down 17 Shoukaku planes, Shoukaku was overwhelmed by Missouri's anti-aircraft weaponry which was able to bring down 17 of its 20 planes, Missouri itself was hit by 3 kamikaze attacks but only left marks on its body.

New Jersey managed to knock out Fuso around San Miguel Bay after a close-range shootout of about 10 kilometers, New Jersey scored 35 hits over Fuso while Fuso only scored 12 hits on New Jersey.

The Iowa troops consisting of 3 battleships, 3 aircraft carriers and 7 cruisers moved north while Missouri moved south, the troops moving north accidentally met the Northern Southern troops led by Varyag.

"Yo Varyag... we meet again." Iowa waved at Varyag.

"We still left Japan for you... Iowa-san" Varyag waved back at Iowa.

"Too bad the Royal Navy missed this... if the Royal Navy came along then I could meet the British commander of my dreams" replied Iowa.

"Well you're right... if that annoying Elizabeth hadn't stopped Commander William the Royal Navy would have joined us" Varyag took a pack of cigarettes and lit a cigarette to lighten the mood.

Meanwhile in London, the next morning Fiona was getting ready to go to work as Koko Hekmatyar's bodyguard, she was already tidy with a black coat and sunglasses, Fiona who was in the mirror felt herself cooler than usual.

After fighting with Valmet he faints and is taken by Reina in a company truck, Reina is entrusted with some money by Koko to buy a black coat for Fiona to add a neat impression to her and Reina also buys it.

"Wow, where are you going... you're really neat, deck..." (Reina)

"My new assignment... it's not a loss yesterday to go to Mbak Reina's office hihihi..." (Fiona)

"I didn't think you were accepted so easily hahaha... well, let's work hard..."(Reina)

"You're leaving with me... I don't know where Koko's office is..." (Fiona)

"It's okay... calm down ae..." (Reina)

After breakfast they both left for the office, but in the middle of the road they were intercepted by two drunken youths who were very disturbing.

Because the two young men had scolded an old grandmother and the bullying happened in front of Fiona's eyes, Fiona tried to restrain herself from hitting them both because it would be dangerous if her abilities were known to people.

When the two young men teased them both Fiona could restrain herself but after the young man was about to embrace her Fiona couldn't stand the annoying behavior of the young man towards her and without hesitation slammed the young man hard, then Fiona gave another young man a hard hit in the face until he fell.

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