With Russian Shipgirl We Can Reach Victory

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Russia managed to liberate most of the Baltics from German grip and prepared to attack Berlin.

After crossing the Vistula river, the road to Berlin is only a short time away.

Russian troops crossed the Vistula river under enemy machine fire and managed to build a bridge for tanks to cross.

Under the command of General Ali Aleksei Karpov all troops crossed the Vistula river regardless of the danger just like Russia's mainstay black death squad led by Rear Admiral Nikolai Pramashenko.

As many as 700,000 Russian troops faced 850,000 German troops, they adopted the knowledge of Alexander Suvorov, the Russian commander in the past who was famous for his war doctrine.

The aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov 063 is still in Norway but is moving closer from Steinshamm to Kristiansand and continues to provide air support for ground and sea forces.

Fiona and her small army managed to retake the Portsmouth base from the Germans after being assisted by the aircraft carrier Kuznetsov.

The small force was named the 121st Marine Battalion of the White Tigers by the commander of the British armed forces.

Fiona is waiting for help from Liverpool but it has not been sent until now because Elizabeth was so inhibited that Fiona outsmarted her by taking advantage of the existing ship girl abilities.

After asking 15 times finally help came but it came not from Liverpool but from the Northern ship girl consisting of 2 corvettes and 2 frigates.

The four of them dressed in typical Russian white were already at the Portsmouth base and were rebuilding the office.

Hearing the arrival of the local commander, the four of them immediately reported to Fiona who happened to be the local commander.

"Frigate Makarov is on duty!"(Makarov)

"Frigate Grigorovich is on duty!"(Grigorovich)

"Makachkala corvette ready for duty!"(Makachkala)

"The Serpukhov corvette is ready for duty!"(Serpukhov)

"Good...please cooperate with all of you..."(Fiona)

The assistance was given on the orders of the commander Pramashenko who was amazed to see Fiona struggling alone but Fiona was annoyed that she had not been given help even though she had asked repeatedly.

"...I'll beat up that old admiral if he comes here..."(Fiona)

"Patience commander...after all he is our superior..."(KGV)

"The thing is I feel bad for Pramashenko-san who sent his 4 shipgirls...while the old man didn't send any shipgirls here..."(Fiona)

"It's okay....we're fighting together..."(Neustrashimmy)

"Commander Pramashenko has calculated everything... even though he is cold but he is very smart..."(Kronshtadt)

"This is Russia's naval power...hahahaha..."(Makachkala)

"Shut up....this isn't the right time..."(Neustrashimyy)*hit Makachkala's neck*

"Rather than that do you guys have any information about the French coast?"(Fiona)

"There is....the beach is heavily guarded by the Germans...there is one beach which is not too tightly guarded..."(Kronshtadt)

"What beach is that?"(Fiona)

"Calais... we've cleared the defenses, you just have to attack..."(Kronshtadt)

Hearing this, Fiona thought for a moment and decided to attack Calais Beach to free France from German colonies.

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