Wakasa x fem reader

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I reach the the top of the staircase and begin descending down them, holding onto the bannister for support as I adjust to the height of the heels I was wearing. My mum had leant me then after the buckle on my own pair had snapped

"Oooh I need to go get my camera" I hear my mum squeal out and the distant shuffling of her shoes on carpet following

At the bottom of the stairs, standing near the door, was Wakasa fiddling with the ends of his sleeves

"Are you ready to-Woah..." His eyes shoot up at me, looking me up and down as a boyish grin stretches on his open mouth. He was wearing a black suit with a maroon shirt underneath

He looked...incredible

Most of the time when I see him, he's wearing his gang pants and a white shirt. He certainly cleans up well.

"Do I look okay? I wasn't too sure about the heels but my mum told me they wo-" I begin but I'm cut off

"You're beautiful, I-I've always thought you were beautiful but....Wow" He stares up at me with a look of almost wonder in his eyes.

Relief flooded through me as I reached the last couple steps and he held out his hand for me to take. I gently place mine in his and he pulls me closer to him before bringing our hands above my head and twirling me around. The dress flared out as I spun and I came face to face once again with a grinning Ima-kun. His eyes sparkled under the bright light and a wide grin showed the smile I loved to see so much. Butterflies raged in my stomach as he planted a soft kiss on my lips and pulled me in by my waist

"Found it!"

My mum hurries round the corner waving the camera above her head like a trophy

"C'mon lovebird, go stand in front of the stairs"

I giggle before leading Wakasa over to the bottom step by his hand. He eagerly follows me, not taking his eyes off of me as he walked

"Say cheese!"

He lazily wraps his arm around my waist as he stood beside me. A bright grin flashed onto his face as he look forwards at the camera and I felt a genuine smile rising in me as I glanced up at him. I leant my head on his shoulder and grinned at my mum who took what felt like a million photos before finally allowing us to stop smiling

"Now let's get a photo in every room of the house"


"I'm joking, I'm joking, we can miss out the garage, let's go!"

"She's only joking y/n" I hear my dad's voice echo out from the top of the stairs and I spin to see him descending them quickly.

"You two have fun, don't do anything I wouldn't do"

"Thanks Mr l/n"

"Call me Shota" he smiled happily at Ima-kun as he lead me towards the door.

Opening the door quickly, he leads me down the path towards the bottom of the garden

"Would you like a lift?" My mum steps out of the doorway, yelling to us like we weren't stood 5m away

"No thanks Mrs l/n, my car is just around the corner"

"Car?" I muttered to the boy beside me

He looked down quickly, meeting my gaze before a smirk grew on his face

"Yeah you didn't think I'd take you on my bike and risk ruining your hair did you?"

I giggled as he led me towards a car parked a couple houses down. I didn't think he would have thought ahead like this, besides he loves that bike

Tokyo Revengers OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ