"Good now spill" my voice sounding dead as I talk.

"Icam wants you all at you weakest before he attacks, and he wants to do it when you least expect it"

"When is he planing on doing it, I want a specific date." I say looking him in the eyes.

"I don't know lady all I know is he wants to do it soon and he wants you separated and away from each other."

"Now was that so hard" I say walking up to him and taking the knife that was in his shoulder pit making him scream.

"What's your name?"

"Michele levsant" he say in a defeated voice.

"Call the doctor down I don't want him dead yet" I say to Lorenzo as we start to walk out and head to the second cell.

Once I'm in the new cell I have to make myself known "hello daddy or is that only what your daughter calls you?" A mischievous smirk on my face.

"Leave my daughter alone." He says struggling in he chains.

"I will as long as you give me what I want."

"And what's that?"

"All the information you have on Ivan, when he gets shipments, who his client list is, when is he going to make a move on us, stuff like that." I say counting my fingers as I list off things.

"I can't" he says looking defeated.

"Oh I love when people say that." I say going to my table and grabbing a hammer.

I walk up to him smirking before bringing down the hammer to his knee making him scream Bloody Mary. I bring the hammer brown on the same knee again and his leg starts to bend back against the chair.

"Did you find the answers?" I ask probably looking like a lunatic with the smile on my face.

"No" he say with his whole body pressed against the chair and his head throne back.

I shake lye head before going to the table grabbing a knife and pliers. Standing at the side of the man I grab his ear with my pliers and I one swop I cut his ear off and the pliers are holding the ear the guy has tears streaming down his face while screaming. I drop his ear and the pliers in the floor walking to the front of himS

I take the life and slide it down along his chest ripping his short and leaving a long bleeding line. I then walk back to the table putting down the life and licking up the flame thrower.

"So are you going to tell me now?" I say with my back still faced to him.

"Fine, just please stop"

"I want names and dates." I say putting the flame thrower back on the table and turning to face the guy.

"He gets shipments at the docks on Wednesday at 12:00am here , h-his clients fuck are not important people they don't have a lot of influence all of his important people are not in America, a-and he wants t-to attack you this m-month." He rushes out and stumbling over his words.

"Who are his major clients?" I ask walking up to him and tilting his head so he's looking at me.

He list off the people and while he's talking I look at Lorenzo and see that he's writing down the names in his phone.

"Thank you for finally cooperating" I say and turn around to face Lorenzo "I want to keep him alive but suffering so don't give him any meds and leave the wound on his chest open."

"Yes my lady" he say before dramatically bowing.

"Shut up" I say walking out the door with him following.

I want you to find all the dirt on those name and report to me not kade ok?"

"Yes ma'am" he say saluting me as we walk up the stairs.

Once we are on the main floor he goes to his office and I walk up the stairs going to me and Kade's room but before I go there I got to the bath room to find I have blood all over me and since Ella's in my room I go to lily's room and steal some of her clothes hoping she won't mind.

I walk into me and Kades room to find him, Ella, lily, and Cameron all snuggling together. Once Ella hears the door open she turns her head and sees me with a smile on my face.

"Mommy" she say jumping over lily and running to me hugging me around the legs.

"What are y'all watching?"

I ask licking her up and walking over. "Aladdin" she says.

I nod before putting her back on the bed and "you two can go if you want" I say to lily and Cameron who nod as they start to get up and walk out.

I hold lily back and tell her "Well have a talk tomorrow, ok?" She nods and then leaves with Cameron.

I climb into bed and we all get under the covers I make sure to be extra careful with Kades thigh when I throw the covers on him.

Ellas laying on top of me sleeping to 10 miners flat so we turn off the tv and I'm laying he head on Kades chest.

"What did you find out?" He asks.

"I found out about shipment names and he wants to attack us this mouth, but I'll go into specifics tomorrow."

"Ok I'll be able to help more tomorrow" he say before closing his eyes and laying back on his pillow.

"Nope you are on bed rest, the only loving you will be doing is if we decide to move tomorrow or wait."

"Leets try to do it tomorrow" kade say completely ignoring me telling him he hast to be on bedrest but I don't bother telling him again thinking that I just have to make sure he doesn't get up with out my help. I relax into him and fall asleep after he's already asleep.

Word count: 1514
TikTok: classy_scorpio
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Fast update yay! I hope you enjoyed me Stabing and cutting ears off.

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