37)Human flesh.

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"Finally we are back!" Thora said while sitting at the dining table.

"Yep..." Zayn leaned back on his chair.

"Are you not hungry?" Thora asked.

"I'm..." Zayn sighed, looking at Thora.

"Let me cook you something, what you wanna eat?" Thora stood up excitedly.

"You cook too and what about the vegetables?" Zayn raised his eyebrows in amazement.

"I do! I can cut vegetables and with the same knife I can cut human flesh too..." Thora walked to the kitchen.

"I know right, I do the same but the only difference is you kill, I save..." Zayn watched Thora leaning on the counter.

"Yep... I agree!" Thora uttered.

"So what you wanna eat? I will cook."

"An apple...?" Zayn smiled.

"Apple- you! How can I cook apple?" Thora chuckled in disbelief.

"Do you remember last time... At this place, you told me not to love you..." Zayn's arms snaked in her waist and her back hugged her.

"But now... We are here together, and we will always be." Zayn kissed her hand and inserted his hands inside her shirt making Thora gasp.

He drew circles on her waist and traveled his hand towards her breasts.

"Seems like you are tired, so..."
Zayn grabbed her both breasts in each hand and squeezed them.

"Zayn..." Thora moaned out.

"Yes, kitten..." He pinched her nipple making her head throw backward on his chest.

Thora clenched on the counter before turning around.

"Zayn...I'm sorry." Thora mumbled.

"Why?" Zayn looked at her while Thora wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Just I felt to say..." Thora bit her lower lip.

Zayn smiled at her, "No need to be." Thora leaned and sucked his neck making Zayn choke on air.

"Thora stop." Zayn breathed out while closing his eyes, feeling her lips on his neck while Thora kept pleasuring him.

"Thora, you are still sore."
His breath got heavy as her hands began to roam on his body, her left hand traveled to his V-line.

When Thora found his bulge, she gave a little squeeze which made Zayn groan. Zayn pulled her hand away. Thora grabbed his collar and smashed her lips on his.

Zayn pulled away, "Such a wild cat you are!" He lifted her while Thora quickly wrapped her legs around his waist. Zayn started kissing her roughly making her moan, giving her immerse pleasure.

All of sudden, Thora's phone rang loudly while Zayn didn't move at all. Thora tried to push him but his grip was stronger and didn't let her go.

"It may be something important," Thora said while Zayn sighed, pulling his body from hers.

"Fuck..." He cursed while Thora controlled her laugh and picked up the call.

Zayn was annoyed because of the phone call. Thora came back after talking on the phone for a long while.

"Zuriel is returning tomorrow..." Thora said while opening the refrigerator door.

"Hmm... Thora, can I ask something?" Zayn sat on a chair in the dining hall.

"Yes... Zayn?" Thora heated the pan.

Her actions were stopped when she heard him.
"Can I go back to my dorm?"

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