16)Who is the Target?

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"Daisy is a good friend of mine,
We both are more like besties..
We were close but..I don't know why did she betrayed me.. which is really unexpected.. she is not that kind of girl who back stab, she is cheerful and good looking woman, also chaotic."

Thora became calm and stared at Zayn as he complimented Daisy.

"What's wrong?" Zayn spoke up as Thora didn't seem to bother.

"I asked what's your relationship with her but you are crushing over her!" Thora rolled her eyes and her gaze fall at the empty road as the cafe has transparent doors, people are barely could be seen and it was quite as hell.

"No.. I'm not-" Zayn stopped when he realised something.

"No way! You are jealous??" Zayn made a mischievous smirk.

"I'm not jealous!" Thora's gaze went back to the road while Zayn held her hands and said.
Thora's heart pounded when he held her in soft way, this one touch made strange things in her belly. She looked curiously at him, thinking he gonna say some sweet words but he instead.

"Thora...just because she is attractive doesn't mean-"

"Oh now she is attractive?" Thora frowned at him while removing her hand.

"Are you angry? Thora, you are damn sexy" Zayn gritted and held her hand again.

"Why I'm sexy?" She looked at him with no expression on her face.

"You are sexy when you get angry.."

"Whatever!" Thora rolled her eyes and looked at the road.
The scene of a shadow following them didn't leave her mind, she kept thinking if something gonna happen strange. It's sure that she was apprehensive.

Zayn stood up and kneeled infront Thora and confessed her.
This time he showered sweet words on her.

"Thora... Listen, look at me..
You are my everything, you are my only family and I'm not willing to let you go, let's follow our fate.. and I love you" Zayn said assuring.

"Who are you...?" Thora asked him if he knows about the past of them as she found him hysterical, they just met weeks ago and Zayn is this deep in love with her.

"Someone who wants you to have a happy ending in your life...."

"With you...?" Thora asked.

"Without me or ... With me if you wish.." Zayn chuckled.

"Why without you? Don't you love me?" Thora asked.

"Thora.. loving someone doesn't mean they have to love us back,
Seeing the person you love loving someone else hurts as hell yet to stay calm that's love because... Until that person is happy we will be also happy"
Zayn claimed.

"But... You just met me some weeks ago, how can someone be so hysterical in love and moreover I hurt you a lot... All I have to you was only pain then why?" Thora was repented.

"Love.. doesn't need time to fall in love with someone, it's just happens...and I don't care being hysterical in love with you and I know what you done to me was because of misunderstanding.."
Zayn smiled while Thora starred, saying so he went back to his seat.

"Pretentious bastard" Thora said while leaning back as she was searching for words to reply him.

"Am I?" Zayn chuckled.

"You are!" Thora smiled and was casually gazing at the road, while Zayn was laughing, Thora noticed something strange, and she became suddenly alerted.
Zayn noticed her alarmed state and asked.

"What's wrong Thora..?" Zayn followed her gaze, he saw nothing in the dark.

Without replying Zayn, Thora got out of the cafe, she clearly saw a man in whole black outfit disappeared with narrowed eyes.
She understood that someone is spying on her, that's totally fine unless they don't hurt Zayn while seeking the revenge on her.

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