19)The Recovery.

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"Boss... This is the corpse.."
John said while pointing out at a covered corpse which had Zayn's appearance.

"Remove the cloth" Thora spoke in vexation, she was hoping that corpse shouldn't be Zayn.

"It seems like this person have been stabbed multiple times and it's brutal to watch, so..."
The police woman in her 30s spoke.

"It's okay, please show me.."
The police nodded before following her words.
Thora saw the dead person's face.

"Boss...?" John called Thora in a low voice.

"Thanks for your co-operation,
This is not the person we lost..."
Thora gave a gaze on the police woman's name batch before leaving the spot.

John watched Thora reach her car with glossy eyes, he never saw his boss's eyes teary.
He was confused that why her is sensitive over someone who is a criminal but he understood she has feelings for him.
"Boss are you okay?" He was concerned about her.

"I'm fine"
She got in her car.

"Boss... Let me drive.." John suggested as he clearly saw how Thora was being in the verge of breaking down.

"Never let a word about this scene be known to anyone..."
Thora said while showing her usual fake cold face, her tears pooled in her eyes.

"Okay boss.." John turned around to leave but wished to say something to Thora, he looked at her.

"Just like the heavy clouds that pour rain, it's okay to shed tears when you feel heavy..."
He mumbled but loud enough for Thora to hear him.

"Find his address."

She bid him good bye with a faint smile on her face, even though she was cold and evil she never hurt the kind and innocent ones towards her.


It was hard and hurtful to leave her but I didn't have any other options, she is having a hard time and I didn't wanted to pressure her, losing someone we love is painful but leaving someone we love and giving pain to them is worse than that.
May be it's my fate to just meet her and fall in love with her, then meant everything to just end. I don't understand why fate allowed some people to meet when there is no possibilities of living together.

I let out a sign of sadness while entering my house.
Lauren's eyes widened when he saw me, I guess my friends were looking for me.

"Jacob! Xavier! Zayn is here!"
He yelled out their names.

Jacob came trotting to the main hall. "What?-" he stopped his words when he saw me.

"The fuck!" Xavier was surprised to see me, I can say by looking at his expressions.

"Where were you Zayn?
We all were searching you since weeks!" Jacob was so angry.

"Xavier.. call the police and inform them that we got this asshole back ..." Lauren said while looking at me furiously,
he followed his words.

"What happened to you? Why aren't replying? Do you know we were worried to death!?"
I'm sorry Jacob, I didn't knew that this incident would affect you guys.

"Are you hallucinating?"
Xavier asked.

"I just went to Washington for some days and yeah! Next time if I get lost don't look for me...I'm totally fine" I can't even lie good, yes I know hate me later but I didn't get any other better reason to hide my ruined heart.

"What do you mean by getting lost then you mean you were kidnapped?"
Jacob raised his voice and spoke.

"No... I said I went to Washington..." I said casually.

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