22)Bleeding obsession.

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After a week.
Zayn was continuing his daily life while Thora tried to contienue hers, The case is on pause until Clara come.

Cloudless midnight, it was so quiet. The woods were shady and the forest was pitch dark, a group of assassins was attacking Thora and Zuriel, a man with a masked face jumped in front of Thora and Zuriel from nowhere while others were hiding to attack them.

He attempted to attack Zuriel but Thora quickly blocked it and twisted his hand, the man screamed on top of his lungs as she twisted it until she heard the cracking of bones, letting go of his hand. She punched him in the guts and he vomited his blood.

His screams weren't affecting her at all, the only thing in her mind was that they were attacked Zuriel and killed Thora's two bodyguards. She snapped his neck and kicked his body on the ground. Thora noticed that these people were continuously were aiming to attack Zuriel.

"Beautiful!" Zuriel winked at Thora. She was already injured and blood from her wound was oozing out but she didn't bother to care and continued beating the soul of the man.

Thora collected all the weapons from the dead body which the soul just left the body because of her. Both of them killed more than five people but Thora sensed there might be some sheep hiding in the dark.

Thora heard the rusting of the leaves and her furious eyes snapped towards it, she clutched on the knife.

"Thora watch out!"
A man was behind Thora before he could aim to attack he screamed out in pain as he was attacked by Zuriel.

Smirking at Zuriel, her eyes snapped at a raven figure who was behind Zuriel, she throw the knife which stabbed the man's throat.

Thora circled to search for her rivals, her eyes were furiously searching to end her blood hunger.

"At your back!" Zuriel threw a knife, which stabbed the man's back before he could attempt to attack Thora, she stabbed a knife on his chest and his neck twice with another knife.
The surroundings fall in a pause.

Thora looked around and spotted the last man running for his life, she had no intention to let him go, after all, it's her loving enemy. Grabbing the dagger from the dead body, she aimed at the man. The loud cry was enough to tell her that she has hit the prey.

It got stabbed in the man.
Thora was sweating heavily, showing no mercy, she grabbed him by his leg and dragged him away from his hiding space.

He tried to kick her away but it doesn't affect her rather than losing the balance her hold got tightened on his leg.
Thora gritted her jaw and was nearly to snap his neck but a knife from nowhere took his soul first.

It was Zuriel's, who is bleeding and trying to catch her breath.
"Nice shot" Thora smirked.

"Yes, honey..." Zuriel breathed out.

Watching towards Thora she asked," who do you think sent these bastards?"
She glanced at all the dead torsos that were lying lifeless on the ground. Thora already thought that it is her stepdad but she didn't want to reveal it because Zuriel is going on a mission and she didn't want her to be bothered unnecessarily.

"No idea..." Thora shrugged it off and got into her car while Zuriel did the same.

Thora drove her car at a high speed while Zuriel couldn't understand why does she drive so fast all of sudden.

"Why here?" Zuriel's eyes widened when Thora parked the car at Mesophilic hospital.

"Get down..." Thora said while getting out of her car.

"No..." Zuriel mumbled and watched Thora reaching to her door.

Thora opened her door and said
"Get down Quick!"

"Thora...no." Zuriel denied getting out of the car while Thora rested her right arm on the car's door, she chuckled in skepticism.

Zuriel assassinated more than eight people just minutes ago is whining like a kid.

"You are bleeding too much this may result in death... You must be treated now, get off your ass" Thora spoke in a commanding voice.

"Okay...but not this hospital"
Zuriel said making Thora frown.
She was denying it because there are chances to meet Jacob as this hospital is his workplace.

"It's damn 4 in the morning!
We don't have enough time to do things on time and your flight is at 10 pm so get well soon and arrive by 9.00 and we are having a meeting with a stupid bitch"
Thora spoke.

"But Thora-"

"Come on Zur! You are not a kid..." Zuriel witnessed Thora was a little angry, she doesn't want to annoy her so she agreed to get treated in Mesophilic hospital.

Thora drove to her company after admitting Zuriel to the hospital.

Meanwhile Zuriel.
"I don't want to get anesthesia!"
Zuriel didn't want to get anesthesia as she don't want to meet Jacob, she knew that his swift starts at 9 am.

"Ms. Nick, without giving anesthesia we can't do stitches...
It will hurt a lot"
A nurse tried to convince Zuriel.

"I don't care, how much it hurts...
I don't want to get anesthesia"
Zuriel scolded the nurse which scared the nurse.

The blood was oozing out from her wound.

"Ms. Nick, by chance are you pregnant?" The nurse said which fuelled Zuriel's anger, she gave her a death glare.

"Sorry, Ms. Nick" After apologizing the nurse got of the room and stormed to the doctor's room.

"Dr. Stephen, Please come towards number 301. The patient is having heavy bleeding and she needs to get stitches and I guess she is pregnant because she is refusing to get Anesthesia,
The bleeding is too much this may result in her death..."
The nurse barged in and said everything in one breath.

"I'm on my way." A man in a doctor's suit wore a mask, and he stepped in the corridor while putting his gloves on.

"What's the patient's name?"
He asked.

"Zuriel Nick..." The nurse answered.

"Zuriel? She? She is pregnant??"
He mumbled under his breath while following the nurse.

His eyes widened when he entered the ward, Zuriel was feeling dizzy due to over lose blood.

"I will take care of her... You can leave" hearing his voice from behind Zuriel turned around to see him, her eyes dilated as soon as she saw him.

"You! Why are you here?
I don't want to get treated by you" she stood up.

Jacob took a fast walk and held her arm and his gaze fall on her left arm from where she is bleeding.

"What?" She questioned pulling her arm back.

"Who did this to you?"
He asked concerned.

"Why do you care?" She raised a brow while he was busy inspecting her arm.

"Take this tablet"
He handed her a medicine while he gently pushed her shoulder making her sit on the bed.

"What's this?" She questioned.

"Pain killer... You won't have pain when I do sew" Jacob said while looking for the things he needed.

"Aren't you going to do the operation?"
She gulped the tablet.

"Not necessary"

Cleaning her dried blood stains,
He started doing his work.

"Why am I trembling?"
Zuriel looked at her right hand which was shivering.

"Because you have lost blood so much, don't worry I will handle it. You are alright."
Jacob spoke in a low voice as his heart sank in pain when he saw her all bloody and injured.

'Apart from from this wound there are some sketches too, it's doesn't seem normal. Was she fighting?'

Simultaneously the stitches were done and Zuriel fall asleep as she stayed awake for the whole night and was tired fighting last night.

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