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It was raining merely, Thora was leaning on the balcony enjoying the view of the evening.
She was patiently waiting for Zayn as only he could solve the mysteries which are running wild in her mind. Zayn entered the balcony but he saw something which made his breath stuck in his throat, he was shocked to Thora bending while her elbows were resting on the balcony, her white dress was not helping her, giving Zayn a perfect view of her sexy ass. His eyes darken in lust while drooling all over her body, he promptly looked away, and mentally slapped himself for this perverted act.
He cleared his throat gaining her attention.

"Drink this..." Zayn provided her with a cup of coffee.

"You make coffee too? I see..."
Thora was going to take a sip and taste.

"Careful, it's still hot." Thora obeyed his words and placed the cup on the nearby table.

"Who's house is this?" Thora leaned back on the balcony while Zayn's eyes were darting here and there, not sure where to look as Thora was distracting him.

"An o-old man he helped us to get safe in here, he provided food and clothes" Zayn leaned on the balcony, gazing at the rainy clouds.

"Oh I see but where is he?
I don't think anyone is here..."

"I don't know but he said this is his second house and he lives somewhere nearby" Thora nodded hearing his words.

"But... Why didn't you wear the shirt that I kept on the table?"
Zayn asked.

"I didn't like it, I will wear yours tonight once it gets dried."
Thora said nonchalantly while Zayn gulped in frustration as he felt his member hardening in the imagination of seeing her in his shirt.

"No! No... I want to wear my shirt, I too don't like this shirt."
He said because he didn't want to get affected by her body.

Shortly the environment was pulled into a beam of silence.

"I have something to ask-"
Both of them said in unison and promptly looked away in the opposite direction while the situation was getting heated up.

"You go first" Thora sighed.

"Why did you come to Italy?"
Zayn cleared his throat, his tone seemed to be serious.

"What? Ofcourse to save you..." She rolled her eyes.

"Why would you come to save me? Risking your own life... For me?" Zayn was fuming in anger, he glared at her.

"I don't think I have to say reasons to someone for what I do..." Thora shrugged it and turned over to leave.

"You have to Thora, you have to answer me!" Zayn looked at Thora whose back is facing him.

"It's my wish Zayn." When she was approximate to leave, Zayn clenched her right arm making her hiss in pain as she was wounded.

"Oh...? You came. To save me? Yeah me, and see what happened! You are badly injured!
When I saw them throwing you into the sea, I lost my fucking mind! I was helpless! And I couldn't do anything but stand and watch the cruelty! I was unable to protect, I failed to protect you!" He stopped for a moment to take some breath then he continued.

"Do you know what's worse? For a minute I thought I fucking lost you! When you were lying on my lap I couldn't help but cry and beg you not to leave! I almost died Thora! I told you not to come but! You didn't listen to me!" Zayn said while tears pooled in his eyes, thinking about the moment that he almost lost her.

Thora turned around to look at Zayn, she was fuming in anger.

"What about you? I fucking told you not to leave me because I know my enemies would attack you but you didn't listen to me, you disappeared without me knowing! Why did you do it?
I somehow managed to get you safely to America but you! Again you! Came to save me! What the fuck? Why did you leave the mansion? That one fucking mistake of yours resulted here!
Now see what happened!"

Uncontrollable FondTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang