Chapter 16

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Kyle rushes down the hallway, repeating numbers in his head, and what he was going to say, he had it all planned out. A stitch had formed in his side, how did they even build this hallway? Where was Silvia? Was she out in the field? Was she in her office? Kyle would check there first.

The figure of a tall, two-ponytailed woman in an imposing pink dress forms in the distance. Silvia was there. This message is important. He has to get it to her now.

"SILVIA! BOSS!" Kyle called.

She turns around, just as Kyle halts his sprint. He fixes his tie.

"We found Pelis's address..." he pants.

"What?" Silvia cocked her head to the side. "Why are you getting involved in the Pelis situation? Number one, I didn't even authorize the search and number two, you're an accountant?"

"Nobody tells me things...and nobody does their jobs..." says Kyle, still recovering from running so fast.

"Meh, I'll fix that later," she says, which Kyle responds to with a worried frown. "So, Pelis's address? Where is it? Maybe we can rethink our plan, and get the killer on our side, maybe do our dirty work with overthrowing the Terrian Head Party so we can distrubute money according to class, not this 'give bread to the poor' crap."

"That's...thinking way too far ahead. Didn't you say the other day that you wanted to be safe?"

"Well you already have her location, so...?" Silvia shrugged. Kyle shrugged back.

"They live on the side of the city facing the desert, 4365 Quespin Lane," Kyle said. He felt a feeling of excitement wash over him as he said the numbers. He loved remembering numbers correctly.

"Well, I said I didn't authorize the search before, but now-" she said, "It's goddamn authorized."

"Okay!" Kyle said. He hurried with enthusiasm back to his office, and Silvia could swear she heard him say 'Yes!' triumphantly.

Before, buisness was slow, but now, they might have just hit a jackpot.

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