Chapter 13 - End of Act I

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Aqua was in his room, crying all last night. I know, because I could only stare at the ceiling and recount my horrors inside my head, and listen to his quiet sobbing past midnight. I regret doing everything I did. 

"It's all your fault, all your fault," echoed in my head, until, eventually, when the clock read 4:01 AM, I drifted off to sleep, where no dreams were found. Not even Diamond Girl to comfort me.

Eventually, after this happening for just about a year, Aqua resolved to only melancholy apathy, like me. We would make our way across the ruined and abandoned city for leftover food, and if Aqua stopped by anywhere else for his work, he would use his money to go grocery shopping. It wasn't a terrible way of life, but I wished we could do things anyway else.

Until we could.

One day, Aqua came home from work with a spark of hope in his eyes. He said he had just been to Terr, and they're offering housing for two drocs a month. He asked me if I wanted to go, and I agreed, after hating the way we lived here on Htrae. We made plans on the map he brought back, and it seems we're headed to live in Red City.

All I can say is that I'm packing my things right now.

- See you in Act II -

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