Chapter 4

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I wake up in a room filled with light. I blink, and the picture becomes clearer.

I'm back in my house...? In my room?

I rub my eyes, and look down at where my wound used to be. It's stitched up. Gone.

I reach out to touch the wall next to me, just to make sure it's real. My hand presses against it like it always does. I start laughing for no reason. I laugh so hard, I cry. I cry hysterically.

"I'm BACK!"  I almost scream.

I cry for a few seconds more, and then I wipe my eyes with my arm. I sit up, and walk downstairs.

"Aunt Ellie?" I call.

Suddenly, I hear somebody run downstairs.

"PYRO!" He calls. It's Aqua!

He throws his arms around me. "I told you so!" He laughs. I look up at him and he's crying.

He lets go of me and dries his eyes. "Mom was terrified. Hah. We searched the house for hours, and then I remembered Zeropoint. We found you laying outside in the grass, gash in your stomach. We had to repower a Medi-Bot to fix you. I'm assuming the 'dragon conquest' didn't end well..."

"Well, it didn't kill me."

"What happened?"

"Stabbed me." I say, trying to talk about it as little as I can.

"With what?"

"Its tail. I don't really want to talk about this anymore. Where's Ellie? She must be worried sick."

"Mom's in the basement. She's trying to plan how to leave this planet."

I run down the stairs to the basement. Ellie's hunched over a holo-map, trying to plan a route to Terr, the nearest planet.

I tap her on the shoulder. She turns around and gasps at the sight of me. She hugs me tight.

"You're alive..!" She says with tears in her eyes.

"I'm alive." I say.

"Wh-why did you run away from home?" She cries.

"I...I don't know..." I react.

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