Act II Opener - Silvia

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"Shh! Shh! A customer!" Silvia hisses, as she and her company hide behind a wall.

Silvia slips out, with several flyers in her hand. She straightens her blindfold to make sure no sun gets in her eyes.

"Hi!" She exclaims, approaching a young man on the street.

The man gives her an awkward look, his face scrunched in, and an eyebrow raised. "Do I know you?" he asks.

"No," Silvia says. "Well, yes. I'm a member of the Galactic Population Association, which, as you know, has strong associations with the Terrian Head Party."

"I've already been to the monthly meeting," he says. "I don't know what else you could want from me."

"Well, we've discovered that your bank account is insecure, and we've found some money that isn't yours inside it."


"Uh-huh! And we need a favor," she says.

"What is it?"

"Can you transfer your drocs to us so we can check which ones don't belong to you, and fix your account for you?"

"Uh, sure? What do I do?"

"All the information can be found inside this brochure," she says, handing him one of the flyers she had with her.

"Thank you ma'am...?" He says, flipping through it. "Have a nice day!" 

He walks away from Silvia, who goes back behind the wall.

"Silvia, do you really think he's going to fall for it?" Asks a member of her company.

"Yes, Keith. They always do. People are so stupid, they couldn't tell a mountain from a Carnivorous Rock."

"Carnivorous Rock?! Where?!" Shouts another member.

"Shut up, Susan," Silvia hisses. "We better get back to the building. C'mon!"

They trot off into the daytime, past Freckle Street, Jameson Village, and into the heart of Red City, taking several trains to get to their headquarters. Several people stopped to look at the massive blindfolded parade along the sidewalks, all wearing black tuxedos except for Silvia, in the front, with a bright pink-and-red dress.

When they arrive back at their building, it's almost sunset. They all sit around their long meeting table, all silent. There was no revenue to talk about, nor anything else.

"What do we do now?" Somebody sitting in the middle of the left-hand side of their table asked.

"Our Capitalist goal is in arms reach. We just need more money, more followers. More customers," Silvia said.

"How? At least half of the population is involved with us," Said someone else.

"We need the other half!" Silvia insisted.

The silence took over again, until, suddenly, Kyle from accounting burst into the room.

"Kyle! Finally! What's going on?" Asked Silvia.

"Well, I have good news and bad news."

"Good news first."

"Well, actually they're both bad news. So...Bad news one or two?"

"Two. It's a nice number."

"Ectumus is dead. Someone named Pyro Pelis challenged him to a duel and won. She was his prisoner, nonetheless."

"Pelis? I've heard that name before, but...A Pelis couldn't've killed him, heck, I didn't even know he could die," Silvia said, a distressed crinkle appearing between her eyebrows. "Wasn't he...Already dead?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry for your loss, but...Would you like to hear Bad News number one?"

Silvia nodded.

"This...Pelis. She's headed here with Ectumus' son, her brother."

"Curse this place," Silvia muttered under her breath. "How long until she's here?" she said.

"Two days," Kyle replied. "Two days and one night."

"You know, Kyle?" Silvia sneered, standing up, pacing towards the man. "If she even takes one step in the direction of our company..."

She stood on her toes, towering over him with a gaze piercing even through her blindfold. The entire room was filled with a fatal silence, as Silvia killed Kyle with her stare.

With a cracked voice, she continued, "If she even takes one step towards the direction of our company...on Ectumus Sleg's grave, we will find a way to neutralize her. She murdered our friend. Our friend who's conquered entire planets, and a few dozen moons. Little Miss Pelis is playing killing machine. And we cannot give up this mission! You hear?!"

She shook her fist at Kyle, who backed an inch away, with a huge, nervous grin on his face, beads of sweat sliding down his neck. "I," he began. "I to count."

"Alright. Fair." She stood off of her toes, and came back to eye level with the accountant. "But money won't matter when we find all of our friend's blindfolds spattered with blood."

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