The Dwarf looked concerned at Thorin, and the other just gestured twords the Human. "I'll wager there ways to enter that town unseen"

The man nodded "Aye. But for that you would need a smuggler" 

Balin quickly walked up to him "For which we would pay double"

The man smiled, quite not believing in what he was about to do. He ushered the Dwarves onto the boat, going out and picking Veryan back up, only to put him down on a pile of rope, before he threw his coat onto him and pulled the hood over his head.

"Thank you..." Veryan could only whisper as the man gave him a nod, going to the front of his boat.

Veryan looked over at Bilbo, and when he saw the other looking at him too, he ushered him over. Bilbo quickly scurried to Veryan's side. The male's hand came from beneath the coat, holding a bag in his hands "This, should help you pay off...what you need" he quietly explained, afraid Bilbo hasn't heard him.

But the Hobbit smiled and patted his hand, before taking the bag from him and pocketing it for safe keeping until they needed it.

With that out of the way, Veryan could finally close his eye's and rest, the sound of birds chirping and Dwarves talking around him.


"Such is the nature of evil. Out there in the vast ignorance of the world, it festers and spreads. A shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was. So will it always be. In time, all foul things come forth" Thranduil spoke in his throne room, walking around his son and the Orc that knelt on the ground, being held in place by Legolas.

"You were tracking a company of 13 Dwarves and a Human. Why?" Legolas asked this time, pressing the blade he held closer to the Orcs neck.

It chuckled, its voice coming out crumbled and dry "Not 13. Not anymore. The young one, the black-haired archer, we stuck him with a Morgul shaft. The poison's in his blood. He'll be choking on it soon. And your puny Human, well, the blade that was dug was made sharp for this very occasion. I would be surprised, if none of his organs got punctured"

Legolas's sword dug deeper into the Orcs neck as Tauriel coldly spoke "Answer the question, filth"

It growled in it's own language "I do not answer to dogs, She-Elf!"

It started to spurt forward, when Legolas yanked him even more down by the hair, Tauriel pulling out her blades and swinging them in front of the Orc.

"I would not antagonize her" Legolas gave a piece of advice to the Orc.

"You like killing things, Orc? You like death? Then let me give it to you" Tauriel's anger finally burned through, as she went for the Orcs head, but the booming voice of Thranduil stopped her in her place. "Enough! Tauriel, leave. Go now

The women stood up and glared down at the Orc, before she strapped her blades back and walked away, leaving only Thranduil and Legolas to interrogate.

The sound of heels were heard through out the hall's, and a White Elf came through, wearing one of her favorite gowns. She stepped closer to Thranduil as the Kings eyes softened upon seeing her "Mirani, what brings you here?"

The women bowed at Legolas, who gave a bow of his head to her in response, before she smiled up at Thranduil "If anything were to go wrong, I'm more than capable of killing this thing in a matter of seconds. You know that. I came to oversee the situation"

Thranduil's lips slowly lifted up into a small smile as he nodded down at the other "Of course. If the Lady wants, she shall stay"

His eye's hardened once again as his head turned to the Orc once again, Mirani straightening next to him, ready to strike "I do not care for one dead Dwarf. Answer the question. You have nothing to fear. Tell us what you know and I will set you free"

"You had ordered to kill them. Why? What is Thorin Oakenshield to you?" Legolas glared down as he asked.

"The Dwarf runt will never be King"

"King?" Mirani asked as she turned to move in front of the Orc, kneeling down to his height. "There is no King Under the Mountain, nor will there ever be" she spoke, venom reaching her voice after every word when she pictured back to her brother.

"None would dare enter Erebor whilst the dragon lives" Legolas finished for her. 

The Orc spat in the White Elf's direction, the women getting out of the way just in time, standing up to stand next to Thranduil as he made his way back around to the front, also facing the Orc. "You know nothing. Your world will burn"

"What are you talking about?" Mirani asked again, crossing her arms as her eyes bore deep into the Orcs.

"Speak!" Legolas ordered as the Orc stayed silent, pulling it's head deeper into the sword.

"Our time has come again. My master serves the One. Do you understand now, Elfling? Death is upon you. The flames of war are upon you"

Those were the last words the Orc spoke as Thranduil pulled out his sword, slicing the Orcs head clean of. 

Legolas, still clutching it's hair in his hand, raised it up "Why did you do that?" he asked his father, anger present in his voice as he dropped the head. "You promised to set him free"

Mirani patted Thranduil's shoulder as she answered "And he did. Freed his wretched head from it's miserable shoulders"

Thranduil walked up to the still twitching body, and stepped on it's foot, making the body seize movement. Legolas shook his head "There was more the Orc could tell us" 

Thranduil looked at his son, not one bit remorseful "There was nothing more he could tel me" he flicked off the blood on the sword, and sheathed in back before turning to walk away.

Mirani followed as Legolas walked besides her "What did he mean by 'the flames of war'?"

Thranduil kept his back to the Elves as he walked "It means they intend to unleash a weapon so great it will destroy all before it"

Mirani stopped soon after Legolas did as Thranduil just walked off, leaving them behind "I want the watch doubled at our borders. All roads, all rivers. Nothing moved, but I hear of it. No one enters the kingdom, and no one leaves it"

Mirani grunted as she shook her head, starting to walk in the direction of the gates with Legolas "Do not blame your father, Legolas. He's only doing what he knows is right" she gently said as they approached the guards.

"Close the gate! Keep it closed by the order of the King" Legolas called as he stopped in front of them. 

He turned to walk away, when a guard called "What about Tauriel?"

Mirani silently gasped as Legolas turned around "What about her?"

"She went into the forest, armed with her bow and blade. She has not returned"

Mirani and Legolas walked out and looked in the direction of the woods. "She followed the Dwarves" Mirani whispered so only she and Legolas could hear.

She grabbed the other's hand and turned him to face her "Follow her, and make sure she, as well as Veryan are safe. I'll manage with your father"

Legolas could only nod, as he took off into the woods, leaving Mirani to stand there in front of the gate.

"Lady Mirani, we have to close up the gate" The guard spoke from besides her. She turned to smile at him, and with quick steps went back into the castle, praying for Veryan's, as long as Legolas's safety.

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