Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

    While the hot searches related to the promotional activities are climbing higher and higher on the list, Bai Rongrong's stagnant mood for a long time is finally lightened up.

    Since Ye Lang disappeared and his life and death were uncertain, the little fox was the only person close to her.

    Perhaps before she made the temptation, she could still persuade herself that the Guli in the world now only looks the same as the little fox, but in fact they are two completely different people.

    But when Guli came to visit her that day, she tentatively called "little fox", but Guli suddenly froze, stopped, and even looked back in shock to confirm that she could no longer deceive herself.

    Gu Li was clearly transformed into a little fox, with complete memory, and even more intentionally harming her!

    It's hard to feel betrayed by such a close friend. If Bai Rongrong was still in the spiritual world, she would definitely be trapped in it, unable to extricate herself.

    After her stepparents soared and Arang disappeared, this might be the last straw that broke her.

    She had no clue, why did the little fox do this? ?

    Fortunately, she is now in the human world, and she is fortunate to know so many people who care about her, so that she will not fall down after the incident.

    Now that she saw her parents and Shen Ming personally record a video to cheer her up, and said that they would always support her behind her, she finally felt a sense of being cured.

    Look, there are not only sad and sad things in this world, there are still people who care about her. If she keeps depressed, how can she be worthy of their love?

    In any case, he should try to find the answer to all this, and then decide how to face it.

    The publicity campaign was over, Bai Rongrong secretly cried for a while, and the first thing she did when she stepped down was to go to the bathroom to adjust her mood, feeling that it was embarrassing to be seen by everyone.

    She hid in the cubicle and sat on the toilet, sniffing softly, for fear of being recognized by others.

    However, just after the event ended, fans ran to surround their idols, and the staff were maintaining order. At this time, very few people came to the bathroom.

    After a while of water flowing, suddenly, a familiar low-pitched female voice sounded.

    "I heard that Miss Zhou was adopted by her current parents, right?"

    The woman who was asked was obviously surprised: "Mr. Gu? Well, yes, yes, I grew up in a welfare center since I was a child. I am a certain age, and I am lucky enough to be adopted after I have memories."

    "Then, does Miss Zhou know how she got to the orphanage?"

    "It's not clear, but the aunt in the hospital said that I was still in an infant. I was thrown at the door of the orphanage at that time."

    Hearing this, Bai Rongrong couldn't help frowning, Gu Li asked what are these doing? ,

    And this is clearly not a good memory, why does she want to get to the bottom of it?

    However, Gu Li didn't realize this at all, and continued to ask deeply: "So that's the case, where did Miss Zhou grow up in the welfare center?"

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