Chapter 48- Shattered

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My mum texted to say they were two hours away, so that's when we started cooking.

Personally I think we should've started long before that but, oh well. 

I feel Seb's hands slide around my waist and rest on my stomach.

'You ready?' He whispers in my ear.

I'm almost finished washing the vegetables, so we can finally begin cooking, so I nod.

'Yeah, I am.' I reply

He kisses my cheek and then pulls back.

He takes a chopping board from the stand and picks up the bowl of vegetables next to me.

I watch him work.

It's actually very satisfying doing absolutely nothing.

He looks up. 'Why are you watching me?'

'Mmh, I'm just thinking about how super duper lucky I am that I met you because now I don't have to do anything.'

He laughs. 'You're just lazy.'

'I'm not.'

'You are.'

He drops the stuff in his hands, wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me in.

'Well I've been thinking about how fucking lucky I am that I met you.' He says.

I smile.

No. I grin.

Because I only just realised how happy I really am.

'Do you think we could spend forever together?' I whisper.

He smiles and kisses me.

'Definitely.' He whispers 'Definitely.'

I bring my arms over his shoulders, push my fingers through his hair and bring him in for a kiss.

He kisses me back till he moves away to look at me.

'Go and set the table Lexi.'


'Yeah now. So we don't have to do it later.'

'Fine.' I say.

I let go of him and walk towards the table.

I pick up the cutlery and lay it down.

'Lexi, get down.' Seb says. His voice sounds urgent.

'What?' I say, turning around.

Seb's eyes aren't on me, they're on the back door.

His eyes are wide and when he snaps his head to me, he looks scared.

'Alexis get down.'

'Why?' I say.

He looks at the door.

Then at me.

Then at the door.

I look at the door, but I don't have the time to register what he's looking at because he launches himself at me.

I hear the shattering of glass and I feel the air quite literally get knocked out of me as I land on the floor.

I take in a deep breath and turn around.

'Seb what the fuck?' I say

I feel the blood before I see it.

It's liquid and sticky, and it's pooling around my hands.

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