Chapter 21- Headquarters (Part 1)

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I feel like this is in need of urgent editing.... but still here's the new part. xx

P.S don't forget to vote


I'm peering round the door frame of my bedroom watching the lock on my apartment door wiggle. Is it Alice? It couldn't be Alice.

The lock clicks, the door swings open and Sebastian walks in like he owns the place.

At least Alice would have the respect to knock first.

My eyes widen in anger and my hand flies to my cleavage. I'm literally standing with joggers and a bra on. 'Sebastian,' I snap, coming out of my bedroom to stare at him. 'What the fuck.'

I point my hand to the now closed door.

He shakes his head. 'You shouldn't leave your spare key under your doormat. That's how you get robbed.'

He places the key down gently, leans against the counter, looks me up and down, smirks and says, 'It's nice to see you though.'

I glower at him. 'Sebastian, you can't just walk into my apartment. That's trespassing.'

He raises his eyebrows. 'Go and report me. See what happens.'

I press my hands into tight fists by my side. He can't just saunter into my apartment, unannounced, like he owns the place.

'Anyway, get dressed. We're going out.'

'No. Sebastian, I have to work.'

He waves me away. 'Take the day off.'

'I can't... Sebastian, that's not how it works.'

'I could just call Lucia...' He says, holding up his phone

I glare at him. 'Sebastian, I can't just decide I don't want to show up one day. And you most certainly can't call Lucia and ask her to have the day off for me.'

He blinks at me for a while.

'Why don't you just take Lucia's job.'

I sneer at him. 'I can't just take it. I have to actually work for it, and that requires me actually going into work when she wants me there.'

'So you're going to get Lucia's job by being her personal assistant basically.'

I'm so angry, I can barely breathe properly. He looks down at his phone.

'Sebastian, get out.' I say through gritted teeth.

He holds his hand up to stop me from continuing. 'Excuse me.'

He walks past me, pressing his phone to his ear. I spin around and watch him mummering to someone.

I am still trying to work out who died and gave him a golden crown.

He ends his call, looks up and says, 'Lucia says it's okay.'

He comes up in front of me, brings his hand up and brushes a strand of hair away from my face. 'Get changed.'

He walks back to the counter and leans against it.

My fists are curled so tight, my fingernails are digging into my palm. I let out a frustrated groan and stomp to my room, slamming the door behind me.

I know I look like an angry toddler but right now I have every right to act like one.

Stupid, annoying, irritating, idiotic man. If I could fight him and win, I would. But I'm not stupid enough to put myself in a position where Sebastian will once again win.

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