Chapter 30- Break

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I'm laying face down in my bed, with my head in my palms.

Theo hates me. Theo hates me. Theodore despises me. Sweet, loving Theodore hates my fucking guts.

I groan.

Alice texted me late last night to tell me that she's back and I told her she could come see me this evening. I'm sure that from the tiny snippets of information I've given her she's probably figured out what happened between Theodore, Sebastian and me.

That's probably the only reason why she's so excited to see me.

But first, I have to go and see Sebastian.

I mean, I've dealt with Theo so now I can deal with Sebastian.

I take in a deep breath and lift myself off my bed. I'm just hoping today's not as bad as the other ones.


I'm practically tip toeing around the boxes outside Sebastian's office.

I push open his door.

'Hey.' I say

He looks at me.

'Hey.' He says back.

I look around. His office is covered in boxes, some are sealed shut and some are overflowing with random things.

'What's happening?' I ask.

He shakes his head. 'Nothing. Why are you here?'

'You wanted to talk yesterday, so, here I am to talk.'

'Forget it, it's fine Alexis.'

'Are you sure because you were in the middle of saying something.' I say

'Yeah, Alexis. Leave it.'

'Well it seemed important.'

'Alexis. I was drunk, forget about it.' He snaps.

I narrow my eyes. 'Where are you going?'

'Nowhere.' He says as he bends down and slots something in a box.

'Don't lie.'

He sighs. 'Italy. I'm going to Italy.'



For some reason my heart drops. 'Why?'

He shrugs. 'I've got some business to do.'

Whatever I'm feeling now, I don't like. It's that feeling that I got when my boyfriend, before Theo, dumped me at the altar and the feeling I got when my dad cut me off for the first time. I don't even know how to describe it. It's like I'm angry and confused and upset all at the same time.

It kind of feels like he's breaking up with me.

'So you're just leaving.' I say after a while.

He looks down and shoves his hands in his pockets.

'When are you coming back?' I ask.

He looks back up. 'I don't know Alexis.'

Now I feel more angry than anything else. Sebastian inserted himself into my life, fucked me over and is now, suddenly choosing the easy way out. I knew he would do this. I knew he would, but I still went along with it. I pretty much handed over my heart on a silver platter for him, without even realising, and now I'm stuck in this situation. Again.

What's worse, Is that he knows what he's doing. He can't even look me in the eye properly.

I take in a deep breath. I need to calm down. I need to get away from him.

I turn around and walk out. I do hear him say my name, but I just choose to ignore him.

I'm not going home though.

I storm over to Axcel's office.

'Why didn't you tell me?' I ask.

He spins around in his chair. He's got a burger in one hand and his phone in the other.

'Tell you what?' He asks

'That he's leaving.' I say, pointing to the door.

He takes a bite of his burger. 'I didn't know I was your messenger.'

I glare at him.

He shrugs. 'I haven't seen you in ages, when was I supposed to tell you?'

'Axcel, ages was like four days ago. He must've been planning it for a while.'

He shakes his head. 'No, he only decided we were leaving last night after Lucia's party.'

'Last night?'

'Yeah, that's the beauty of having a private jet. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want.'

'I don't get it. Don't you have people you want to stay for?' I ask.

'Yeah. Of course, but I don't get that choice.' He takes another bite of his burger before carrying on. 'Plus, I want to see my mum so...'

I sigh. 'When are you guys coming back?'

'I don't know, he didn't say. Probably not for a while it seems.'

'Fine.' I say.

It's not Axcel's fault, so there's no point in being mad at him.

I'm about to turn and leave when he says my name.

I turn back to face him.

He opens his mouth to say something but no sound comes out.

'Yeah?' I ask.

'I-' He starts before he thinks better of it, 'I'll see you soon, I guess.'

I blink at him for a second before answering. 'Mmh hmm.'

Then I turn and leave.

I need to talk to Alice, and I need a drink.


This part is a bit short, but I hope you enjoyed anywayss x

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