Chapter 12- Angel

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I'm standing behind Sebastian's giant island, staring down at the photographs I took. Lucia stands across from me sipping coffee out of a flask.

'What do you think?' I say to no one in particular. Sebastian is staring at something outside in his garden and ignoring me like he has been for the best part of the day and I know Lucia is probably stuck in her own head, deciding whether or not I still have a job.

Lucia looks up. 'They're good,' I raise my eyebrows, maybe it's not coffee in that flask. But to be honest even she seems surprised that those words even came out of her mouth. 'When I fire you, I suppose you could become a photographer.' She carries on.

I give her a tight smile. 'Thank you.'

'Mmh' Her phone rings, she looks at the screen and she turns and leaves without another word.

I hear Sebastian come up behind me. He leans on the counter and his gaze drops to the photos.

'What do you like?' I ask him while fiddling with the order of the photos.

'You.' He says looking up at me.

I turn my head 'Sebastian-'

'You asked me what I liked.' He says.

I hold his gaze for a while. 'I meant the photos.' I say. Quieter than intended.

He lets out a small laugh before looking down and sliding one out of the row. 'I like that one.'

'Okay.' I say

Silence falls between us and I can feel him looking at me.

'Which one do you like?' He asks quietly.

I tap the one with him mid laugh. 'This one.'

He shakes his head. 'I don't like my smile.'

I look at him. 'You look happy though.'

He stands up and clears his throat.

'Plus, I like your smile.' I say

He laughs. 'Maybe I'll smile more then.'

'Maybe you should smile more.'

I look up at him. His eyes twinkle but I can tell his mind is far away from this conversation.

'Am I interrupting something.' Lucia says, making her presence known.

Sebastian places his on my lower back. 'Yeah. You are.'

Lucia's eyebrows raise.

I move away from Sebastian's arm. 'No, it's fine.' I say quickly.

Her mouth twists into a tight frown. 'I have to go, did you pick one?'

I nod. 'Yep. This one.' I say, picking up the one Sebatian chose and showing it to her.

'No,' Sebastian takes it out of my grasp and slides over the one I picked. 'I like this one.'

'Fine,' She picks it up and then looks over to me. 'I'll see you tomorrow then.' And she walks out.

'I thought you don't like your smile.' I say looking back at him.

He shrugs. 'You like it. So I like it.'

He reaches forward to clear the counter and his shirt sleeve rides up his arm. Revealing his tattoos and a bandage with blood on it.

'Sebastian,' I reach out and touch it. 'What did you do?'

He moves away and pulls down his shirt sleeve. 'Doesn't matter.' He says brushing away the subject.

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