Chapter 42- The Table

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Publishing this in school when I'm supposed to be revising for my exams but oh well. 

Hope you enjoy x

Remember to vote and comment 

Love you all xx


Positive. Again.

I can't quite tell if I'm happy or not.

But I still leave my apartment so fast, I don't have time to regret my choice. When the doubts start to come, I'm already pulling into Sebastian's drive.

I tap my finger on the steering wheel repeatedly.

This is a good thing, he deserves to know.

He needs to know.

I open my car door and walk over to Sebatian's house.

The door flings open and Seb is standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

'What are you doing here? Are you okay?' He asks.

'Yeah I'm fine. I've just got to talk to you.'

'About what?'

'Um, it's complicated. Can I come inside?'

He looks behind him, into the house and then looks back at me. 'Yeah, but quickly.'

'Why what's happening?' I ask

He opens the door to let me and I step inside.

'Nothing, what did you want to say?' He says.

'Seb stop trying to rush me. Do we have to do it here?'

'Well yeah, it's a quick thing right?'

I shake my head. 'No.'

'Alexis, I really have the time-'

'Please. Otherwise I don't-'

'Son.' A voice rings out from the top of the stairs, and Sebastian's head turns to follow it.

He grabs my arm and drags me to the kitchen, quicker than I can figure out what's happening.

'Tell me, go on.' He says.

I cross my arms over my chest. 'Seb, it's not something I feel like just blurting out.'

He sighs and looks behind me. I turn to see what he's looking at, but I don't see anything.

'Lexi, could you not tell me you were coming before you did.'

I shrug. 'I didn't really think, I just left my apartment.'

'Couldn't you call me.'

'I don't have my phone Seb. Can you stop trying to rush me, what are you hiding?'

He lets out a frustrated sigh. 'Nothing, just go.'

'No, not until you're listening.'

'Alexis.' He snaps

'Okay fine, I'm pregnant.' I blurt out.

It doesn't take him long to register what I said. His eyes widen and his mouth opens and closes, like he's not sure what to say.

'I-' He begins to say something, but stops and takes a deep breath. 'When did you find out?'

'Um, last month.'

He stops looking so shocked and starts to look annoyed.

'You waited a whole month to tell me.'

'Well yeah. I mean- I just.'

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