Chapter 25- ****

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'Ma'am, your meals?' The waiter stands pushing four steaming plates of food on a trolley.

'I-' I'm about to tell him that my parents left, so the four plates aren't needed but Sebastian interrupts me.

'We're not eating anymore.' He says before grabbing my wrist and pulling me out.

I stop him at the door. 'Sebastian, we have to pay.'

'No, I own the restaurant. It's fine.'

I blink at him. 'How much of this city do you actually own?'

He shrugs. 'Pretty much all of it.'

He walks towards his car and leans against the side. 'You coming?'

'Where are you taking me?'

He looks away for a second 'Let me cook for you.'

My curiosity is going to get me killed.

'Fine.' I say

He opens the door for me and I slide in.


We're standing inside a well furnished restaurant.

'It's new. It's not quite finished yet but the kitchen's done.' Sebastian says

'It looks pretty finished to me.'

'Trust me, light one cigarette and the whole thing will go up in flames.'

I scoff. 'Well that's reassuring.'

Sebastian laughs and leads me towards the kitchen at the back. The tables we pass are covered in white sheets and the chairs are stacked at the sides.

Sebastian steps behind the kitchen counter and takes off his jacket. I jump up and sit on the surface. 'What are you going to make?'

'Wait and see.' He says with a smirk.

Watching Sebastian cooking is nothing but satisfying. I think it only attracts me to him more. I know it makes him happy, I can see it in his face.

When he's finished he picks up a bowl, dishes some colourful looking pasta pods into a bowl. I think he called them tortellinis but I'm not sure. To be honest, I was listening more to the sound of his voice than what he was saying.

He sticks one with a fork and passes it to me.

'Try it.'

I do and it makes me smile. Good food makes me smile. And this is good food.

'Can I have another one?' I ask

He gives me the bowl. 'You can have as many as you want.'

He watches me take the bowl from him. His fingers slide over mine. He clears his throat and steps away.

Sebastian turns around and starts to walk out the kitchen just as I go to stick another one. I furrow my brows and place the bowl down. I walk over to the window where he's standing.

'What's wrong?' I ask

He takes in a sharp deep breath. 'I'm finding this really hard.'

I look at him confused. 'What are you finding hard?'

'Keeping my hands off you.'

I don't say anything.

He steps in front of me, closing me in between the window and him. I can feel my heart beat rise.

'I'm trying really fucking hard to accept that you want to be with Theodore but it's getting harder and harder.'

'So what are you going to do about it?' I whisper.

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