Chapter 43- Spill

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There's a nice little bit of smut in this just for you guys xx

Love youuuu

Also I included some translations for the Italian in this part... lmk if you want me to do it in the future as well x


I scream into my pillow. My phone has rang three times in the last five minutes and it's getting harder and harder to ignore it.

I grab it off my night stand and slide the answer button.

'What.' I snap.

'Hey, It's me.'

'I know it's you Sebastian. What do you want?'

'Did you just wake up?'

'You woke me up.' I say in a monotone voice

'You should be up Lexi.'

'To do what?'

'To ,I don't know, work so you can take Lucia's job righteously or whatever it is you aspire to do.'

I let out a breath that sounds alot like a huff. 'Shut up. What do you want?'

'I just wanted to say sorry, about yesterday. You have every right to do what you want. Um also, if you wanted, you could come round for breakfast, and meet my mum properly. Also, so we need to talk.'

'Did you have to call me at 8.30 in the morning to ask me that?'

'Alexis, get out of bed and stop being lazy... Will you come?'

I stay silent for a second before replying. 'Yeah, I'll come.'

'Good, well... I'll see you soon?'

'Yeah, I'll see you soon.'

'Bye.' He says softly.

'Seb... wait. You- I- I'm sorry too. I should've told you, and also I should've called you before I came.'

'It's fine.' He says. 'I'll see you soon.'

I bring the phone down from my ear and sigh.

I groan and throw my phone into a pile of clothes at the other side of my room.


When I walk into Seb's house, every single person looks like they've had ten shots of coffee. Which is awfully unhealthy, so I assume they haven't.

I, however, probably look half dead. Me not being able to drink coffee is not going to go down well with my body. I am absolutely convinced I'm having withdrawals.

'Alexis, you're just in time for breakfast.' Seb's mum says to me as she puts a pile of pancakes on the table. 'Take a seat.'

Seb enters after me, pulls a chair out for me and sits at the head of the table. His mum goes to sit at the other end and Axcel, takes the seat across from me.

Axcel reaches forward to help himself to food, but his mum slaps his hand away.

'Let Alexis eat first. Where are your manners?' She says as she gets up and begins to load my plate with food.

Axcel slumps back in his chair, looking annoyed and Seb sits forward watching her actions.

'Mum, what pancakes are those?'

She stops what she's doing, looks at him and smiles, 'My special ones.'

Seb looks at her. 'Lexi can't have those.'

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