chapter 1

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"But why?" Hyewon asked. "Just trust me on this one" her father answered. Hyewon let out a big sigh as she leaned against the car window. This is the third time she has had to change school because of her dad's work and she was getting pretty tired of it. Making friends wasn't easy. Especially since she was starting a couple of weeks later than everyone else.

"We have arrived". >e looked at her with a serious face. "Hyewon look, i'm sorry you had to change school multiple times but this is the last one i swear". "I hope you're right" Hyewon answered as she quickly got out of the car. "You know i love you" her father said. "I know dad" she said as she closed the car door.

She started walking towards the school when she turned around and waved at her father one last time as the car slowly started to roll away. She turned back around and stood in-front of the massive building. "You've done this before Hyewon don't worry" she said to herself. Hyewon took a deep breath before walking towards the school building.

When Hyewon got inside the halls were empty. Not a single student could be seen. Which was quite nice. All she had to do was find the reception, to get her schedule and her locker. "It can't be that hard to find" she thought to herself. But it turns out it was a lot harder than she expected. The longer it took the more she started to panic. She desperately walked around the halls trying to find it. That's when she spotted someone. She walked up to the male who was collecting books from his locker. "Excuse me" she quietly said. The male turned around so that he was facing her. "Yes?". "Where's the reception" Hyewon asked. "Oh you must be the new girl" a smile appeared on his face. "Just walk straight forward, then turn right, go up the stairs and you should see it on your left." Hyewon thanked him before flashing a quick smile.

She did just as the male had told her and this time she actually found the reception. She went in and shut the door behind her. The receptionist looked up from her book and smiled at Hyewon. "Hi, I'm new here" Hyewon said with a smile plastered on her face. The lady who was in her 50's smiled before she began to rummage among her things. She pulled out a paper and put it on the desk for Hyewon to see. "This is your schedule and your looker number is up here" the lady told while she pointed at different things on the paper. "This is the class you're in" she pointed at the top corner of the paper. Hyewon read it out loud, "2-1". "Correct" she smiled at Hyewon before she continued. "You can pick up your books from the library and then you will get at tour by one of our seniors".

Hyewon thanked the lady and went to go find her locker. When she stood by her locker the bell rang. "Crap" she thought for herself. Students poured out of the classrooms. Hyewon pretended to be searching for something in her locker but in fact it was empty. "Can't find what you're looking for?" a female voice behind her said. Hyewon quickly tuned around. Behind her stood a tall girl with long dark hair. Hyewon didn't dare to look her in the eyes. "You're the new student right? Hyewon?" the girl said. "Yes" Hyewon answered as she met the girls eyes. The girl stood tall and Hyewon noticed that she had a very beautiful smile. "I am Kim Ahyoung from class 3-2, nice to meet you" the girl introduced herself. "I'm Song Hyewon" Hyewon smiled at the girl in front of her. "I'm going to give you a tour of the school" Ahyoung said. "Are you ready?"

 "Are you ready?"

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