Boyfriends 🎉

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Jungkook pov

I held taehyung hand as he pushed the shopping cart down the frozen section.i stopped and pointed at Frozen nuggets.

"Daddy,can you have that for dinner?"

"But you had that last night."said taehyung.then we heard a scoffed from behind us.we turned around a lady with a basket.

"Littles are leaches!they just money suckers.they shouldn't exist."said the lady.wait,i am leach to taehyung?

"Leaches?woman you never been around a little in your life!littles are wonderful!they want your time not money.but you probably won't understand that!"said taehyung.then we walked away.taehyung went to check out.i never paid anything.taehyung always pays.i frowned.we left the store and went to the car.taehyung put the groceries in the backseat and buckled me in.

"Bunny you okay?don't mind her.she just is stupid.okay?"he said.i nodded.then he went to the driver seat.he drove him.i tried not cry as I thought I am leach to taehyung.soon as taehyung unbuckled me.i immediately went to my room.i climbed into my crib.i went under my blankets and cried.a few minutes I heard taehyung walked in.

"Bunny,are you crying?"he asked as I heard his footsteps approach the crib.


"Bunny,why you crying?"he asked.he uncovered the blanket from my head.

"I am leach."

"No you are not!"he said

"You always do stuff for me!"

"Yeah.cuz I am your caregiver silly!"he said.he picked me up.

"But big Kookie leach off you too!"

"He is not.big you or little you.i don't care.i love spoiling you.okay?so thinking as a payment for me spending money on you .you can pay me back by loving me."


"Now you want some milk?"

Taehyung pov

"Please!"said jungkook
"It will make me feel better!"said jungkook.I looked up from my phone.

"You not fucking me as way to pay me back."


"No.i meant what I said.bunny"

"Finally,let me be your boyfriend then."


"So I can be the only person loving you."

"I guess that true."he said

"Say yes,tae."

"No,that means it seems like a you are in debt to me."

"Taehyung,i actually I like you!okay?!it wouldn't seem like I am in debted to you!"

"Bunny stop lying to me okay.its okay that you don't like me like that okay?i am not begging you to like me back."he said.

"He don't believe ask Hobi!he is the only that made a realize I had feelings for you and that we are same."

"The same?"he asked.

"We both don't want to love cuz people always leaves us.but tae i would never leave you."

"Bunny,i would never leave you."he said.

"Then say yes!"

"Yes."then i smiled.i kissed him.

" ain't going to work tomorrow."

"Why not?"he asked in confusion.

"Cuz I am like the energizer bunny." Taehyung face paled but his eyes held excitement.

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