16 - Thunderstorms

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Percy's POV

The next day, Annabeth came over. She was wearing a black tank top with Fall Out Boy written on it and jeans. Her hair was in a bun with a few curls framing her face.

"Hey Percy."

"Uh, hey Annabeth. Glad you could come over."


Awkward silence.

"So... do you wanna bake cookies with me? My mom's recipe," I suggested. I then regretted saying something so stupid.

Annabeth laughed. "Okay, Seaweed Brain."

For the next two hours, Annabeth and I hung around in the kitchen, playing with cookie dough and blue food coloring. After baking the batch, we sat on the couch to finish them.

We were sitting fairly close to each other. I could feel her arm next to mine, our body heat mixing. This close, you could see tiny freckles dotting her nose. I could smell the chocolate chip cookies on her breath. Without noticing, I leaned in.

Annabeth didn't hesitate either. It was like we were in a trance. Like the cookies were a drug to make us tired and reckless.

I didn't care.

Her grey eyes darted to my lips. Her mouth was slightly open, and her breath was warm on my face. Our faces were centimeters apart.

Boom! We jumped apart. Outside the window, I heard thunder clap. Our phones rang at the same time. We went to pick them up.

Thunderstorm warning for your area

"Oh no..." Annabeth whispered. It was eight o'clock, and the storm wouldn't be over until early this morning. "I should get home before it gets worse."

Annabeth was about to get up, but I stopped her. "You can't go out in a storm like that! Wait it out with me."

"It could last all night, Seaweed Brain."

"Don't be silly, Wise Girl. If it does, you can spend the night." After comprehending what I just said, I added, "on the couch, obviously." Even worse. "You could sleep on the couch, I mean."

Annabeth smiled. "Thanks, Perce."

She relaxed on the couch once more, and I started to think about what we were doing. We were this close to kissing.

But we didn't. We were just friends.

Okay, we weren't friends.

Okay so I have no idea.

We talked until eleven. Annabeth yawned, and I decided it was time to sleep. I got her some blankets and noticed she was wearing jeans.

"Wait a second. Let me get you something comfortable to wear."

Annabeth thanked me and I ran off to look for some clothes for her in my large house. I felt awkward going through my mom's clothes, so I got Annabeth one of my shirts. She went to the bathroom to change. When she came out, she was wearing my shirt with nothing but her underwear underneath. The shirt was big enough to go to her upper thighs.

Not that I was looking there or anything.

"I'm going to sleep, Percy. Thanks again for letting me stay."

"No problem, Wise Girl."


Listen to Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy. Do it. DO IT.

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