9 - Swim Meet Trouble

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Annabeth's POV

I woke up, drowsy from the sleep.

I sat up, still wearing the pajamas I was wearing yesterday, when Matt came. Percy came out of his bathroom, wearing only a towel. When he saw this, he blushed and shut the door. I sat there blushing as well, laughing at his clumsiness.

"Hey, Wise Girl," he said when he came back out wearing black swim shorts and a blue shirt.

"Um, hi. Should I go?"

"Well, I have to go to a swim meet at... Matt's house." Percy suddenly looked really angry.



"Don't do anything you'll regret."

Percy groaned. "Fine."

"I should get home. I'll see you later, right?"


I stepped off his bed and left after saying goodbye, jumping into my car and driving home.

"Where have you been?" Athena asked when I opened the front door.

"I was at Percy's, and I just fell asleep."

"You slept with him?"

"It wasn't like that, Mom. I just fell asleep. We didn't do anything."

"I said you were pretending to date him. You didn't need to go to his house and sleep with him! You're grounded."

"Ugh, fine!" I stomped up to my room. It's not like a liked him in that way!

Percy's POV

I pulled up at Matt's house at noon for the 'meet'. He had a large pool in his backyard which we sometimes practiced him. But the only reason I was here was to teach him a lesson. I didn't tell Annabeth this because she would stop me.

There was no swim meet.

I rang the doorbell; Matt opened the door, holding his cell phone.

"Hey, Percy. Need something?"

"Uh, yeah. Can I come in?"

Matt opened the door wider to let me in.

"So listen. Do you know Annabeth?"

"Yeah?" Matt gave me a confused look.

"Well stop bugging her."

"Bugging her?"

"You've hurt her too much, Matt, and if you keep it up, I'll call the cops."

"Call the cops?" Matt laughed. "I have friends, Jackson. People I know, people who owe me. The cops can't do anything."

Then I got really angry. I pushed Matt, hard, and he dropped his phone. "I mean it," I growled, punching his jaw. His lip started bleeding.

"A lip bleed won't stop me from doing anything."

Matt slammed his fist onto my chest, causing me to jump back and cough uncontrollably.

"A lip bleed might not, but the cops will," I said between gasps.

"You wouldn't want to hurt Annabeth, would you?"

"Annabeth's strong enough to deal with ten of you." I straightened up.

"Annabeth? She's afraid of me."

But he didn't know Annabeth. She was stronger than he thought.

"I'm warning you, Matt. You better not even go near her," I growled, stepping out of the house and slamming the door behind me.

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