2 - Need You Alone

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Percy's POV

I woke up in my bedroom, a girl laying next to me. A dozen empty glasses of alcohol littered the floor. There was a girl in my room. I was still wearing a tux. There was a girl in my room.

I jumped up in surprise, staring at the girl. It was her. The one from last night. She moaned, rubbing her eyes. Her honey blonde hair was a mess, her black dress was a little wrinkled, and she was barefoot.

"Wha..." when she saw me, she literally jumped out of the bed and scurried to the opposite side of my room. "What's going on?"

"I just- we- the par-" I was lost.

"You're Percy Jackson, right? Why am I in your room?" Her mind started processing. "Last night."

I nodded my head vigorously. "We drank."

"And I- did we do anything?" She whispered, fear in her startling grey eyes.

"I don't think so," I said, slightly blushing. We were both fully clothed. "I think we just fell asleep."

"Thank goodness," she, Annabeth, looked relieved. "My mom's gonna kill me. And you."

"What about me?"

"You're a jerk. You reel me in, get me to drink, and nearly take away my virginity," she growled. "Stay away from me."

With that, she left.

Annabeth's POV

Going home wasn't fun. At all. When I got inside my house, my mom jumped me.

"Where were you?" She yelled. "I've been calling everyone!"

"Sorry, I just fell asleep in our limo, the other side. I got tired of the party."

"I searched the limousine, you know. The press would slaughter me if you went missing!"

The I became angry. She only cared about her reputation. "I said 'sorry'." I ran upstairs to my room, jumping on the bed and crying into my pillow.

It was that stupid boy. He was such an ass, getting me to drink. I was such an idiot for believing everything would be fine.

The day dragged on as slow as a turtle. My mom ignored me, which was normal, and I had a stomachache from all the alcohol. It was awful.

And it was thanks to Percy Jackson.

Percy's POV

On Monday, I had school. I would see Annabeth Chase. I was kind of looking forward to it at the same time. I needed to tell her it wasn't my fault. I wasn't some weird pervert. I threw on some jeans and sneakers, and I pulled on my sweatshirt, then headed out the door.

I got into my dark blue car and drove to school.

Lucky for me, Annabeth Chase was right in front of the school.

Unlucky for me, she was surrounded by a mass of friends.

I needed her alone.

Shut up, I'm not a pervert.

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