11 - I Have a Boyfriend

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Percy's POV

I stared up at my light blue ceiling. I had a stupid smile on my face that wouldn't go away.

Annabeth and I had kissed.

A few weeks ago, I would have found that stupid. But I couldn't feel lighter.

What did that make us now? A couple? A wierd friendship? We hadn't really made anything clear.

But she kissed me.

* * *

On Monday, I met Annabeth at the front of the school.

"Hey," she said, smiling. She was wearing a white lace dress with a black leather jacket and boots. I blushed, and she laughed at my face.

I loved her laugh. It was wierd, how I'd never noticed these things about her. How her hair looked like it had a life of its own in the sunlight. How her grey eyes seemed to change with her mood.

"Uh, hi, Annabeth."

"So, uh." It was her turn to blush.

"How's life?"

"Good, good."

"Yo, Annabeth!" Matt came jogging over at a bad time. Well, the time was fine, but the him part was annoying.

"What, Matt," Annabeth growled under her breath. Matt put a hand on Annabeth's lower back, causing her to shift uneasily.

"Come on, Annie. Why him? Remember all the fun we had?" His lips were close to her neck. Annabeth brought up an arm and punched him square in the jaw.

"I don't recall, Matt. Besides," she grabbed my hand, and I held back firmly. "I have a boyfriend."

"Chase," Matt growled. "I warned you before. You don't know what I'm capable of."

A crowd had started to form. Matt, to prevent attention, left us.

* * *

A few days later after school, I found my dad waiting for me at the front door.

"Percy, we need to talk."

"About what?" I asked, dropping my backpack.

"You and Annabeth."

I knew where this was going. "What about us?"

"You were supposed to pretend to date. And now you're kissing her in public, spending more than needed time with her, and sleeping with her?"

"Are you talking to me about relationships? I didn't go a cheat on my wife."

The words just spilled. I regretted it the next second, but there was no going back.

"What did you say, Percy?"

"Dad, a while ago, while mom was out of town, I saw you with another girl. How could you do that to mom?"

Posiedon sighed. "Percy, I can explain."

"Dad, stop. Mom deserves better than that." I grabbed my bag and ran up to my room.


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