8 - Story Time

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Percy's POV

I opened the door to a crying, scared Annabeth. She jumped into my arms, shedding tears on my shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked, moving Annabeth so I could see her face. Then I noticed the red bruises on her neck.

"Matt," she said, wiping away at flowing tears.

"That little ass," I growled, ready to kill him.

"Percy, about what happened between us..."

Annabeth and I sat on the couch. My mom and dad weren't home.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," I said.

"No, I have to. It- it started when I met him. We started dating because I really liked him. Then he started hurting me. He would get me into trouble or threating to k-kill me."


She kept going.

"I was alone. If I told anyone, he would kill me. If he went to jail, he had 'friends' to finish the job. So I started surrounding myself with people, with friends, but they all separated. My friend Hazel went to California to be with her boyfriend, Leo Valdez was sent to a boot camp, and Piper McLean has been spending a lot of time with her boyfriend, Jason."

I looked at her intently the whole time, one hand on her knee. She was looking at the ground, her tears falling straight onto the hard wood.

"The reason he liked me was because I was the gift of sex and money. I was just a fun toy he could play with. The scar..."

She pointed to her upper stomach.

"Was when I first told him I wanted to leave him. He didn't let me. He told me... I was his now. Anyways, my friends were always there for me, even though they didn't know about his abuse towards me. After they disbanded, I became afraid. A week later, I went to that party and woke up in the same bed as you. I... I thought you were one of the friends he was talking about."

Annabeth was finished. Her whole body shook from the disturbing memories. Even though I did nothing to hurt her, I felt like a jerk.

I really wanted to kill Matt. I wanted him to feel the same pain he put Annabeth through.

"Annabeth... how could someone do that?" I said. I was on the verge of tears myself.

"I don't know, Percy! He basically ruined my life."

I gathered Annabeth and took her to my bedroom. We sat together for the most part, staring at the ceiling. Annabeth fell asleep at one point, and I didn't care.

I just fell asleep beside her.


Hurting feels is my job, people.
I'm sorry. (not lol ha suckas)

Don't worry, those who know me know that I cannot break Percabeth.

Maybe I will I make a plot twist who knows.

This is just the beginning...

*rides away on broomstick*


fine you squeezed it out of me

In a couple of months, I'm posting a Percy Jackson/Harry Potter mashup.

It's under construction, meaning it's in my head.

Whale, Talk to Ya Later


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